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Today was Saturday, you were going to ComicCon. You pulled out your phone and texted Ithaca.

You: Hey, want to come over to my place to get ready for ComicCon? I'll have Gerard pick both of us here.

Ithaca: Sure! I'll be there in 10 minutes with my costume.

You: Okay, see you soon.

Ithaca: Wait is Gerard picking Frank up too?

You: Yeah, most likely. Is that a problem?

Ithaca: No, I just wanted to know.

You: Okay see you soon. (๑・v・๑)

You quickly cleaned up your apartment and got your costume ready. You put on the basic pieces and got out some simple makeup to put on. Your doorbell rang and you ran over to the door. You flung it open and came face to face with....Frank?

"Frank?" You asked.

He looked at you and strolled into your apartment. "Hey. I was bored so I figured I could change into my costume here."

"Oh, okay. Well Ithaca is on her way too."

"Oh okay."

Frank strolled into your restroom and your doorbell went off again. You opened the door and were relived to see it was Ithaca. She bulldozed through your apartment to the guest room and came out moments later with her costume on. She twirled around and said, "Tada! Now I need you to help me with my hair." She said while pointing at her mop of hair.

She scampered off towards your bathroom and Frank came out. "Oh hey there Ithaca." Frank said smiling.

"Hey Frank what are you doing here?" She responded.

"I was bored and Gerard is with his brother so I decided to come over."

"Oh okay. Welcome to the party! Ithaca winked.

"Oh, and I think you look kind of hot in that Loki costume." Ithaca said before walking away. You looked at Frank, who looked flustered and confused. You giggled at him and followed Ithaca. She went into your room and came out with some hairspray, hair ties, and the headband for her costume. We will put your hair up like Mercy first. Then we will try to do mine.

You led Ithaca to the bathroom and kicked Frank out, who was playing with his hair. You quickly put your hair up and put on the costume halo. After about 15 minutes of struggle you finally managed to put up Ithaca's hair. She slipped the headband on and winked at you, "Tada! It looks great! Thanks y/n." You smiled at her.

"Anything for you Ithaca."

"Oh here! Let me put on your wings on!" She pulled you towards her and slipped the wings on in a quick motion. Your phone rang and you saw that it was Gerard. You quickly answered, "Hello?"

"Hey Sugar, you guys all ready?"

"Yeah, we just finished up. You have the tickets right?"

"You know it. I'm on my way right now. I'll be like 10 minutes."

"Okay see you later, love ya."

"Love you too."

You hung up the phone and went into the living room. Frank and Ithaca were sitting on your couch and you sat down carefully. "We all look great. This is going to be so much fun." You exclaimed.

"I'm actually pretty excited." Frank responded.

"This is going to be great!" Ithaca replied.

You spent a few minutes talking with Frank and Ithaca and eventually Gerard knocked on your door. You opened the door and jumped into his arms, the wings on your costume jingling. He smiled and walked into your apartment. "Ready guys?" He asked.

"Yes." You all chimed happily.

"Let's go."

*time skip*

You all had just made it too the entrance. After a long conversation in the cramped car about Frank being a princess you were happy to get out.
You had already received a few compliments on your costume and you were ecstatic. You waited on line to give your tickets to the toll keeper and eventually you were inside.

You all were pacing around like a flock of sheep and you decided to go to the comic section first. You spent a good hour, talking to artists and gathering inspiration for your new comics. Gerard seemed very happy and a lot of artists knew who he was.

Ithaca had demanded that everyone go into the anime section with her. You were amazed how many people were dressed up in ridiculous costumes and how much merchandise there was.

It must just be an anime thing. Ithaca was happy and enjoying herself.

Frank wanted to go to the superhero section and get a few signatures from some actors. While you were all moving around Gerard got a phone call. You gave him a quizzical look and he shrugged his shoulders at you. He answered the phone and argued with the person on the other side. You could hear him saying, "Oh no. What? How? Is he okay?" Every second he seemed more worried and scared. When he finally hung up he rushed over to you. "Go find Ithaca and Frank, we need to leave now." He said shakily.

"Is everything okay? What's happening?" You responded calmly, as if trying not to scare a deer.

"No. Mikey just got in a car accident and is in fatal condition." He said on the brink of tears.

*fire truck* gerard way x readerWhere stories live. Discover now