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Today was your first day at Dark Horse. You were nervous so you texted Gerard about it.

You: I'm nervous! Is it going to be hard at Dark Horse?

Gerard: No, as long as your friendly and you work hard you'll be fine. And I know that you're polite enough to make a good impression

You: Okay, you're right. Well I'm on my way, see you there.

Gerard: See ya, sugar

You arrived at Dark Horse. You were wearing a simple red tee shirt and some black jeans. I hope I'm not to casual. You walked inside, with a hop of excitement in your step. You walked up to the woman at the front desk. "I need some help getting to the art department." You informed.

"Go upstairs, and take a left." She grunted back.

"Thank you." You smiled to her.
You walked up the stairs, nervous and took a left. You walked into a large open room with scattered tables. On the walls were big posters of Dark Horse comics. There were all kinds of computers and tablets spread around, and art supplies everywhere. No matter where you looked all you saw was art supplies. People were scurrying around working. You liked it.

You walked around looking for Gerard, and when you saw his bright red hair you smiled. "Hey Gerard!" You exclaimed.

"Hey-o. You ready?"

"Yeah. What are we working on?"

"You, me, and a team of others will be working on creating new characters for a comic book called, Galaxies Made of Silver."

"Oh. Sounds cool. Is it space themed? Yeah, we need a lead male, a lead female, a lead alien, and extras."

"Cool. And I can use any supplies?"

"Knock yourself out. Oh and I figured we could all go costume shopping tonight. You know with the whole Scooby Gang?"

"Sounds good! I'm going to start sketching if you need me." You winked at him.

"Later, sugar." He winked back.

You went over to an empty table and sat down in a rolling chair. You quickly pulled out your phone and texted Ithaca to meet you and Gerard at the costume store. You grabbed a pencil and sketched out a simple female body shape. You thought about Ithaca, and the way her hair looked so good, even when it was messy. You quickly sketched out her messy long hair and her sideswept bangs. It look good. Now for the rest.

It was around 12:30 and Gerard walked over to your working station. He leaned over your shoulder, observing your work. "That looks like Ithaca."

"It was supposed to be like her, but I would change her hair color or something. I just needed some inspiration."

"It looks good." You could feel his breath on your neck. You hadn't kissed him since the hungover morning, but you hoped you would soon. You blushed, thinking about the moment. "Want to get some lunch? The office ordered pizza, we can just eat that."

"Sounds good." You responded.

You and Gerard walked over to the table with the pizza. You grabbed a slice of pepperoni and Gerard grabbed two pieces of pineapple pizza.
"You eat that stuff? I might have to reconsider this whole relationship." You joked.

"What's wrong with pineapple?"

"Its revolting."

He laughed and you joined in too. You ate your pizza quietly, enjoying each others presence. When it was done you kept working on your female Ithaca character. It was 4:40 when you had finished her outfit. A simple, sexy, and colorful skin tight space suit. A "plasma".gun that was dull gold and red. And a bad-ass looking space age ear piece.

Gerard walked over and said, "Wow you really went for the whole sexy assassin thing."

"Yeah. I just thought it would suit her."

"It looks good. Ready to go pick up Frank?"

"Oh. We're picking him up?"

"Yeah. He asked and I said sure."

"Okay, Ithaca is meeting us there."

"Clean up and we'll go." He kissed your cheek and slipped away before you could do anything. You cleaned, blushing the whole time. After carefully storing your work you walked over to Gerard and said, "Let's go!"

"Sure thing, sugar." You and Gerard walked out to his car and drove to pick up Frank at his apartment. When you went inside to get him and all came back go the car, Gerard sat in the driver's seat and Frank and you stared at each other. "Go for it, princess." You laughed.

"I am not a princess!" Frank whined.

"Then let me sit in front.


"Point proven." You grinned while getting into the back. "Do I act like a princess Gerard?" Frank pondered.

"What? No......."

"Seriously? I'm not a princess."

"Sometimes you act like one."

"You're the princess Gerard."

Gerard laughed, "In your dreams."

*fire truck* gerard way x readerWhere stories live. Discover now