Too Close to Call (Pt. 1)

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 Before anyone realized it, it was February. Saphira stood in the library, scouring the books for something to help Hagrid with the Committee for the Disposal of Dangerous Creatures. The hearing for the Hippogriff accident was in April, but Saphira knew her brother. He was doing everything in his power to have the animal killed. No doubt, Lucius was ignoring every one of her warnings and demands. She scowled at the thought. Lucius should know better than to fight against her. He had never won any of their battles growing up. Saphira was so wrapped up in her thoughts about her brother and the hippogriff that she ignored her surroundings. 

“Lea,” Saphira jumped when her friend came up behind her and touched her shoulder. Saphira shoved her hand on her pocket and gripped her wand tightly. She sighed in relief when she realized it was just Severus. The hand that held her wand loosened and she brought her hand out of her pocket to help support the book she still held onto.

“Hey Sev. What are you doing here?” She questioned as she turned back to the heavy book in her hands. The pages were yellowing and made a crinkling sound every time they were moved. It even smelled old. Of course, half of the library smelled old. 

“That oaf was looking for you. You missed the morning classes,” Severus replied as he glanced down at the book his friend was holding. His eyebrow rose in curiosity as he attempted to read the title. Ministry of Magic: Disposal of Dangerous Creatures By-Laws and Ordinances. 

“Oh. Bloody hell. I have been so busy trying to figure out a way to help him fight my brother and that ridiculous committee,” Saphira remarked as she slammed the book shut and replaced it in its original spot on the bookshelf beside her. She clapped her hands together to help get rid of the invisible dust on her hands before she ran her hand through her hair and turned to face the Potions Master fully.

“Well let’s go,” she responded as she started to walk past her friend. Severus watched her lightly touch her chest before a brief look of guilt crossed her features.  Severus gripped her elbow suddenly and tightly. Saphira tensed instantly before annoyance boiled in her chest and oozed out through the narrowing of her eyes and the curling of her lip. Severus knew he had to make his sentiments known fast or he was going to end up on the ground clutching something. 

“You’re hiding something,” he remarked as he searched for the item Saphira seemed to be constantly reaching for nowadays.  A silver chain dangled from around her neck and the end dipped into her dress, hiding the trinket in her cleavage.

“I’m not hiding anything,” Saphira replied defensively as she tugged her arm out of Severus’s grasp. Snape released her without much struggle. After all, he could never hurt Saphira. He had vowed long ago to never let her fear him.

“Lea, you’ve been constantly touching that thing around your neck and I’m…concerned,” Severus admitted quietly as a group of whispering Hufflepuff second-years passed by the aisle the two professors were standing in.

“It’s nothing for you to be concerned about. Lucius and Narcissa did some cleaning at the Manor and found my wedding rings and had them put on a chain. They sent them to me for Christmas; that’s all,” Saphira lied. She knew how upset Severus would be if he knew she was wearing a gift from a stranger. She would never be able to explain how the ring held some sort of comfort for her and she felt familiarity whenever she looked at it. After two months of not remembering where she had seen the ring, she had assumed it was best not to dwell. It was a gift and it was lovely.

“I…I didn’t know. I’m sorry,” Severus instantly apologized. Saphira didn’t like to talk about her relatively brief marriage to the youngest Black brother. Severus knew it brought up more than the memory of his death.

“It’s alright. I should’ve told you about it, but honestly I thought I had,” Saphira lied again. She knew she had never mentioned the present to Severus; but again, he wouldn’t understand.


Valentine’s Day was a day of dread for Saphira. After all, it was the day to celebrate love. Love had never ended well for her. She had loved Sirius and she could never be with him. She had loved Regulus and he had been killed. She had loved her child and it had been taken from her. All in all, Valentine’s Day was the worse holiday and it left her in a sour mood. She watched students fawn over crushes and young love and she wanted to cast silencio on all of them. Chocolate hearts drifted across the Great Hall during breakfast and Saphira had to fight herself to keep her wand from setting each of them aflame.  She glanced over at Severus, who sat next to her and noticed he wore the same look she imagined she did. He didn’t like Valentine’s Day any more than she did.

“This is utterly ridiculous,” she growled as she took a swig of pumpkin juice and slammed her goblet back down onto the table. Severus glanced at her and nodded. He knew Saphira usually locked herself away on Valentine’s Day, but she couldn’t do that here. He had been dealing with Valentine’s Day amongst the students for years; Saphira hadn’t. He could only imagine the anger she was feeling.

“It will go by quick,” Severus mentioned as Saphira scoffed.

“I highly doubt it. I will just have to make sure I don’t kill any students, that’s all,” Saphira replied.  She sneered at a nearby floating heart. With ease, she used her wand to set the enchanted piece of parchment on fire. Severus fought the smirk that threatened to inch its way across his lips.

“Yes, that would be very bad for your reputation,” Severus responded sardonically. Saphira scoffed.

“Because my reputation is so light and pure to begin with,” she remarked before stabbing a nearby sausage with her fork. The remainder of breakfast was quiet.  Severus could tell Saphira’s nerves were wearing thin every time a female student would squeal in delight and throw themselves at either their friends or a new partner. He had never known Saphira to be as shallow. He wondered who occupied his distracted friend’s thoughts the most today. Was it Sirius Black, her school time sweetheart? Was it Regulus Black, her husband killed for treachery? Was it her child, stolen by fates? Was it him? He quickly shook his head. He knew Saphira and he weren’t very serious. They were lonely and needed the companionship. That was all. Nothing more than friends comforting each other’s battle scars. 

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