Dont fall in love with him... he is your brother!

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Im a cut to the chase kind of gal. I will make this short and sweet. My name is Kyra Foster im 16 years old. I have brown hair that comes a little bit passed my shoulders, and brown eyes. Everyone tells me I have amazing eyes. Im short, about 5'2 and I think that I hold my own body wise. My biological parents were Druggies and Alcoholics so Child Services came in and got me out of that house at age 7. I now live with my foster parents Mr. and Mrs. Evens and their son Brad. We live on a private property owned by Mr. Evens. I guess you could say this house is a mansion. it's the kind of house you drive by when you're a kid and say I want to live there! It looks like a castle!

Just as I am about to start my Freshmen year in high school all hell brakes loose.

Chapter 1

My foster mom walks into my room with the phone in her hand. I think to myself, who would call of the house phone for me? All my friends have my cell number. I look to make sure my cell is still on.

Mrs. Evens is covering the phone. " Kyra?" she asks. " Yes" "Its your mom" I stare back at Mrs. Evens with a blank look on my face. She hands me the phone. I just look at it. "Talk" she says.

" Hello?" I ask wearily , I search in the back of my head for her real name. Linda, I finally got it.

" Kyra?" She asks unsure if its me.

" Yepp, you got it Linda" I say kinda sarcastic.

" Oh sweetie call me mom" she says, like she is sad I didn't call her mom in the first place.

" You ain't my mom" I say getting pissed she wants me to call her mom after 9 years of her not giving a shit about me. Let alone the 7 that I was there for

" Oh sweetie, Don't say that. I will always be your mom, and I will always be there for you"

" What the hell, are you high L-I-N-D-A? Cuz u aint been there for me at all" I hit end and slam the phone down.

" Kyra are you ok" Mrs. Evens asks.

" Yeah, I am fine. I would just like to be alone right now" I say looking up at her with a apologetic look on my face.

" Ok, I will be down stairs if you need anything"

I thought to myself. Mrs. Evens is my mom. She has been there for me for the last 8 years! Not my biological mom. I fell asleep crying to be awakened by Brad. He was 17 years old. Brown hair kind of like Justin Beibers, tan skin, Green eyes. Now Brad was never like my brother, yes he was always protecting me but we never really hung out our anything for us to become like brother and sister. " Kyra, wake up!" Brad said shaking me a little bit. I didn't move. He shaked again " Kyra its time for dinner" I slowly opened my eyes. " What are we having" I asked sitting up. " Stake, corn, and something else I forget, are you ok? You looked like you were crying" Brad asked moving closer, and everything about Linda came back to my memory. I started breaking down. " My mom called" I said looking up at Brad. He seemed confused. " Not our mom, my biological mom." I said clarifying. " What!" Brad said shocked. " Yeah, I kept calling her Linda and she was like call me mom, I will always be there for you" I said as a tear dropped out of my eye. Brad leaned over and whiped the tear off with his thumb lightly pressing aginst my face. I shuddered at his touch. " Its ok Ky, come here give me a hug" Brad said opening his arms wide. I sat up onto my knee's and gave him a hug. He started tickling me and I fell back accidentally pulling him with me. He fell on top of me. We started at each other for a few seconds and he leaned in.

Dont fall in love with him... he is your brother!Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu