I was dreading school, I was dreading seeing everyone there, except for Jordan of course. All these terrible feelings made my tie feel heavy and tight around my neck. My hands kept shaking and I was a nervous wreck. I kept looking behind me and I was like always, extremely jumpy. I waited for Jordan by his locker and when he arrived he looked well, better than before and I was really happy to see him. I'm hoping I'm not developing a crush because I know Jordan wasn't gay and I would just freak him out if he ever caught on. He saw me right away and speed walked towards me with a big smile on his face, 'Gooood morning!~' he greeted in a sing song voice. 'Nice to see you well' I said. He only had bruises and scrapes on his face and the cut on his arm was covered by his long sleeved shirt. 'I feel much better, good thing those dudes hit like my grandmother' he joked. 'Who were they?' I asked, 'No clue, I didn't quite get a good look but, no doubt a group of Quinn's goons' he answered. 'It's all my fault, I'm s-' I tried to apologize but Jordan interrupted me with a hug 'No it's not mate, you had no idea.' he said soothingly. I hugged him back for a few moments before it got weird. A few people who past gave us strange looks the second we touched but, I really didn't care about others opinions of me.

The day went normally, and when I say normally I mean full of torment. I no longer let Jordan take the city bus home, since I knew where he lived it wasn't that far from mine. I convinced Mrs. Quinn to let Jordan car pool and she was more than happy to do it. We were basically attatched at the hip and we became so much closer than before. Then I started to notice and appreciate things I haven't really before, like his eyes are the most stunning bright blue I've ever seen. I loved the way he smiled at everything and how beautiful that smile is. He was really special but, now I have a crush and I'm fucked.


Kellin did the same things to torment me until he just stopped all together. Whenever he would see me, at school or at his house all he did was smirk. I felt like he was planning something, trying to get me off my guard. Maybe this was his own kind of torment, having me constantly afraid of when he's going to do something. Every time he's around, if he even did something remotely frightening I would feel like I was going to pee my pants.

Thank god that week went by fast, I swear if I took online classes my life would be so much easier. I was really looking foward to the weekend, since I was spending it with the one and only Jordan Fish. This little crush of mine hasn't gotten any better, it's gotten worse and it makes me want to crawl under a rock and die everytime I see him. It doesn't help at all that he's really caring and a pretty good listener. He's also very affectionate so everytime we hug I get worried that he could feel my heart beat faster. Not only was I excited to see him I was also really excited to work on some music with him. When I told him I could play guitar he wanted nothing more than to hear me play. Not a lot of people were interested in my music, especially my parents.

We both tried to avoid Kellin's henchmen but when they had the opportunity to hurt us they took it. Jordan alwasy got hurt twice as bad and I can't really live with myself for it. Jordan does fight back, he's actually pretty strong but when there's about five guys twice our size there's not much we can do. We also can't even get the dean involved with this to stop it, they would have to not only call our host parents they would need to notify our own parents and Jordan's parents were frantic enough when he was first in the hospital that they would make him leave the academy. Leave the academy and me, then he would have to go back across the world back to the UK and I can't have that.

We talked all about it when I was over his host families house, he only decided to study abroad because his parents are really protective and controlling. His uncle was the one that convinced them to let him come here. I loved every second I spent with Jordan, I would be so lost if I didn't have him around to protect me. If I wasn't so weird I would ask if I could stay over for the night but I was thinking too much about it. I didn't want to be a burden on his very hospitable host parents and I didn't want Jordan to get sick of me. He did convince me however to stay a little longer for dinner. His host parents were such kind people, perfect for Jordan because like him, they loved to talk.

He went on and on about how good I was at guitar and even though I only sang a chorus of a song for him he told me it was the best he ever heard. He spoke so highly of me during the dinner and my heart just kept racing. He's so nice and perfect and I hate him so much. I felt so dissapointed the ride back to the Quinn's home, I wish I could live with Jordan and his host family instead to be perfectly honest. When I got back when I was going down the hall to my room Kellin passed me and stopped me looking me straight in the eye for a few moments. I got really nervous just being by him and he smirked at me 'I hope you enjoyed your time with your little boyfriend. He won't be around long' he snickered. My eyes went wide and I was frozen there in that spot in the middle of the hall while Kellin passed. I felt my pockets for my cell phone and when I couldn't find it I realized I left it in Jordan's room. 'Fuck' I said in a panic under my breath. I had no way to warn him.

The night was long and I didn't sleep at all, when 6 am passed by I shot up to get ready for school as fast as I could using the only energy I had. I was ready in 15 minutes and around 6:30 Mrs. Quinn was finally in the kitchen eating breakfast. I pleaded with her to drive me to school earlier. I lied saying I just need to finished extra work so she drove me and I was there 20 minutes earlier than usual. I looked for Jordan everywhere and I couldn't find him. I didn't see him, so I was forced to go by myself to my first period class. Everytime Kellin's group looked at me all they did was laugh like I had a penis drawn on my face and it didn't exactly calm my nerves.

When I finally saw Jordan in my fourth period class I almost tackled him. He told me he overslelpt so he was late. He had my phone with him so he could return it but, I slapped it out of his hands and grabbed his shoulders and shook him. While I was shaking him I told him everything, I puked out all the words I needed to tell him. He was too calm after I told him, he said it was all in my head and he was going to be fine. He promised to be cautious for me and that he'll try his best to be careful and find me right after the last period bell.

I was in a panic during my last class, I noticed that there were a few of Kellin's "friends" missing from class and made me so unbelievably uneasy. So when the bell rang I sprinted right out of class. There were more people crowding the main hall and from a bad feeling I had in the pit of my stomach, I ran towards it. Everyone was looking at the same thing so once I shoved to the front of the crowd I saw the flashing lights of an ambulance and someone being pulled from a gurney and I think I knew exactly who that person was and I couldn't feel my heart beating at all.

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