[Chapter 17] Can't Let Them Die

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**Kenya's POV**

I drove with Lisa, Clare, and the mysterious huge man in the back of my car to a secret, secluded safe house. "And here we are." I said. I pulled into the driveway and put the car in park.

"Well I didn't know you lived here." Lisa said.

"Um, I don't." I responded, "This is actually a safe house the bureau bought just in case we needed to move a client or witness away from people who want to kill them."

"Oh. Well what are we going to do now?" Clare asked.

"We need to take the stuff in and set up shop! So let's get to it." I answered. We opened the trunk. The man was awake and moving around, I took another punch at him and knocked him out cold. Clare gasped at the sight.

"Do you have to keep punching him?" Lisa inquired, "He can't do us any harm anymore."

"I am not taking any chances!" I retorted, "Can you help me take him out and drag him inside the house?" The two of them nodded their heads in understanding and began to do as I said. "Wow, is this what the life of a criminal is like?!" I remarked, laughing to myself. Both girls kind of just stared at me. I frowned, I knew Rachael would've laughed at my joke.

We dragged him into the house, and I ordered, "Clare, grab that chair! And in the closet there should be some rope, can you grab that too?"

She uttered the words, "Uh, yeah sure."

I walked all the way to the basement which was a bunker in disguise. I moved towards a door with a keypad. "The code is 02-28-98" I punched in the code and the door opened. I led Clare and Lisa into the bunker. There were six beds and shelves stocked with supplies, food, drinks, and medical supplies. There were also two closets, one that contained artillery, and the other was empty.

On the back wall stood a giant flat screen television. "You can plug the computers into that and the other things," I told them, "And it should all be protected. So no one can track our signal and come and find us."

"That's impressive!" Clare exclaimed.

"Yeah," Lisa agreed.

"Ok, let's get down to business!" I declared. Lisa opened up her bag and pulled out the computers. I took the chair from Clare and set it up in the middle of the room, sitting the man upright in the chair and tying him down. Then I went back over towards Lisa and pulled out cords and helped to plug, startup, and reboot the computers. Lisa started up our server. I waited for the game to load.

The game turned on and I noticed that the stats section for Anthony was crossed off. "Hey Lisa, what does it mean if someone's avatar is crossed off?" Knowing good and well that it meant what it meant.

"It usually means their dead or eliminated." She stated, "Why?"

"I think Anthony is..." Then suddenly a vortex formed above in the ceiling. Sand and dirt blew around in the room. Winds picked up and out of the vortex dropped Anthony. When the vortex closed back up and the dust cleared, I saw Anthony laying on the ground, eyes closed.

"Oh my god!" Clare exclaimed as she cupped her hands over her mouth.

I bent down and began to examine him. His vitals were okay, though his breaths were alarmingly slow and his heart beat was barely there. His shirt was also stained red in the chest. "Hey," I said, trying to wake him up, "Hey, can you hear me?"

"Rachael..." He silently muttered.

"Is he going to be okay?" Lisa asked as she knelt down on his other side.

"I don't know," I answered, "His stats were crossed off. He should be dead, but he's breathing and his heart is beating. Lisa help me get him on one of these beds." We both lifted Anthony up on a bed. "Clare I need you to go to the shelf, " Clare raced over there, "Grab the largest medicine supplies box you can find." As she brought the box over to me, I opened Anthony's shirt to see a his chest bleeding immensely.

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