I Love You

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Mermaid Tale

Chapter 9: I love you.

"Queen, King." Me and Pine bent at our waist.

"No. You are now the king and queen of the sea. It is us who should bow to you." The king replied.

"We are?" Pine raised his eyebrow. Confusion written on his face.

"Yes, you set us free, and know you two are to rule the ocean."

"What will happen to you?" I questioned.

"We will go to the very depths of the ocean and enjoy life. We've been under that spell for over a thousand years. We are just gonna be together." The king smiled at his love.

"Farewell. You guys will do great." The queen waved before the turned to swim away.

"Wait!" I yelled after them.

The came to a stop and turned back to face us.

"How do we get home?"

"You have powers now. Just think where you want to go and you'll get there." With that, they swam off. Leaving me and Pine.

"So." I turned to face Pine. "What now?"

"I don't know and I don't care. As long as I'm with you Honey. That's all I need." He caressed my face. I let out a breath and watched as the bubble it created floated up. I looked away from the bubble and back to Pine.

"I love you Pine. I really truly do." My eyes search his, all I could find was love. And that's all I wanted.

"And I, you. It's me and you, Honey. Nothing can stop us now." He gently kissed my lips.

"Are you ready to go back?" I asked, a little scared of what might happen when we get back.

"Of course, let all those Merboys that you are all mine. Now let's get started." He rubbed his hands together, "How do we do this again?"

"We think were we wanna go and we end up there I guess." I shrugged, I'm not one hundred percent positive.

"Okay." He reached forward and hugged me. I jumped because I wasn't expecting.

"Um, Pine? What are you doing?"

"I don't wanna get separated." His voice was muffled by my shoulder.

"Okay. On the count of 3 think of the grand hall in my castle. 1....2.....3!" I clamped my eyes shut on three and pictured the grand hall back home.

All the water around us spun around and then stopped suddenly. I peaked one eye open. Faces of the kingdom stared back. Everyone's eyes were wide and mouths were hung open.

"Oh my Goldfish!"

"It's gold."

"The new king and queen."

"Are they together?"

Mummers rumbled through the crowd. My just awkwardly stood there as others whispered to their neighbors about what may have happened. Pine just hung his arm over my shoulder and smile as even more rumors started circling through the water.

"You're enjoying this aren't you?" I whispered in his ear.

"You better believe it." He kissed my cheek. An awe sounded through the crowd. All these murmurs were driving me crazy.

I stuck my fingers in my mouth and let out a high pitch. Everyone seemed to shut up. "Thank you." I boomed, my voice echoed through the grand hall.

"Okay! So I know there has been some rumors. Starting just a few seconds again. As you may know, me and Pine have returned from our journey. You may not know what our task was. Well we are here to tell you." I said before Pine took the floor.

"Our journey was to find our soul mates." More murmurs started. "Yes, we are soul mates and I love Honey."

"And I love Pine." I added.

"We received golden tails which released the King and Queen of the ocean free from the spelled put on them. It's not just a legend, it's real." Many Merpeople shouted out questions.

"Does this mean you rule the sea?"

"Did you see them?"

"How is this possible?"

I whistled again and everyone instantly stopped. "Questions will be answered later. Right now we are very tired and will be back later."

I grabbed Pines hand and began to pull. Except he pulled me back. "Wait." Everyone who had begun to get out of their seat stopped. "I have something to say. Honey of Feila, my soulmate, I have loved you since the day I laid eyes on you. You are gorgeous, beautiful, smart and talented. I asked for you love for the rest on my life. Honey, will you marry me?"

He pulled out a ring, from where I didn't know, he bent his tale. My eyes started to water. "I'd love to." I whispered. My eyes locked with his emerald green ones.

Claps and hooting rang through the crowd but I didn't notice. My soul's attention was set on the love of my life.

I flung myself into his arms. He twirled me in the air. Happy tears still leaked from my eyes. "Stop cry my love. Your alive and we are together."

"I'm crying cause I'm happy."


Hey guys! This chapter was all cutesy! awe they are engaged! I love it. Also there is the last chapter! Next Its the Epilogue.

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