Golden Tail

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Chapter 7: Golden Tail

It's offical. I am doomed to die on land, never finding my soulmate. I would fail the kingdom of Feila. My parents, my sisters, my friends, and my people. I especially failed Pine, because he won't go out and find his soulmate, until i have found mine. If Pine dies because of me, i will never forgive my self.

"Honey, stop sulking and get up off your butt." Pine hit me upside the back of my head. Which caused me to go through a coughing fit. Immediately Pine started panicking. "Oh no. I'm so sorry Honey!"

I forced my self to stop coughing. "It's okay. I know you didn't mean it." I smiled weakly.

"Your looking worst by the second Honey. I know you can't make it any longer. I have failed you." He said the last bit angrly. Tears swelling in his eyes.

"Pine come here." I whispered, holding my arms out. He slowly sat next to me and put his head in the crease of my neck and sholder.

"You can't leave me Honey." He sniffled into my neck.

"Pine when my time comes i have to leave. I don't want to but i have to. When i do i need you to promise me you will find your soulmate. The one you're meant to be with." I ran my fingers through his head. Enjoying the softness of it. Knowing i didn't have long and every moment counts.

"Pine get Derek." I coughed. His head shot straight up.

"Are you dying! You can't die! I won't let you. I'm not ready." Pine panicked, running his hands through his hair, he started pacing.

"Pine. I'm fine i just have to asked Derek something." I said, trying to calm him.

"Oh." His cheeks tinted red. "I'll go get him." He turned and walked out of the room.

I sat there on the couch thinking. I knew i was gonna fight till my last breath. Though i knew i was going to leave Pine. One he would forget about me. While he was off with his soulmate. I felt jealous. I should have told Pine that i do have feelings for him. I could have at least had something, than nothing. I can't hold back anymore. Once i get answers for Derek i will tell Pine.

"Honey? You were asking for me?" My head snapped up as soon as i heard Derek's voice.

"Please tell me. What is the story of The Golden Tail?" I asked coarsely.

"Your parents never told you?" He asked suprised. Pine too had a confused face showing he didn't know what the Golden tail was either. "Well get comfortable because it's a long story.....

A young women was waiting by the dock with her mother. The wind was blowing her hair in her face, her nose was moist and red. But nothing could take the smile of her face. Her parents had promised her to take her on a ship for her eighteenth birthday. She loved the water. Every evening she would walk along the beach. Never touching the water. Her mother always warned her. The sea is a brutal place. One wrong move and your swallowed in the depths of her stomach.

Her brother had died from drowning before she was even born. Her parents forbidden her to go near the ocean. Though it was there she felt comfort. At home.

"Ma, when do you think the ship will get here?" She asked her mother, as she moved her head in search of the boat.

"It will be here any minute now. Are you sure you want to go? It's quite windy." Her mother tried to get her to back out.

The girl wouldn't back down. Glancing down at the necklace around her throat. She knew she needed this.

* * *

Running through the streets was a young man. His coat whipped around his body as he hurried to the dock. He just prayed the boat won't leave with out him.

A sigh of relief let his mouth as he saw the people still waiting at the dock. He wasn't going to miss his voyage. Stopping behind the people in line, he clutched the chain around his neck. It used to be his mothers, before she passed during childbirth. Today is the eighteenth anniversary of her death. His birthday, a day he dreaded the whole year. Other lads couldn't what for their birthdays. Beers and women. Where he would drown his tears in the ocean.

The sound of water crashing made him look up as he saw the ship slowly come up to the dock. The ramp was lowered and soon people made there way onto the ship. He shuffled his way to the ship along with all the others around him.

On his way up the ramp he bumped his shoulder into someone. Turning to say sorry his eyes meet with a beautiful girl. His breath hitched in his throat as he starred into a pair of blue eyes.

It is said that it was love at first site for him. The girl was in love as well, but she hide her feelings. For she was on a journey to find her attraction to the ocean.

Later that day, on the ship, they ran into each other on the deck. No one out but them. The clouds were rolling in. Thunder clashed in the distance. Nothing existed but them. In that exacted moment, where their souls fused together, lightening stuck the ship.

The ship went up in flames in seconds. Trapping passengers under the deck. The young man and young women on the deck knew the only chance they had was to jump into the violent sea below. And hope they would somehow make it.

They jumped and just as their feet left the wood beneath them, the ship blew up.

The water surrounded them as the ducked their heads to protect them from the flying pieces. They struggled to keep a float in the water. Not because they need to breath, but they felt a pull to go under and stay there. The ocean continue to grow more violent. Trying everything to get them to go under.

They stared into each other's eyes as they realized what they had to do. Holding each other, the leaned in. Once their lips connected the began sinking into the depths of the ocean.

Their kiss ended when their lungs burned for oxygen. With a gasp, the both sucked water into their lungs. To their surprise it didn't kill them. Instead with every ounce of water that entered their lungs they felt at home , alive.

They saw everything clearly. Even in the dark sea. They watched in awe as both their necklaces began to glow. No pain was caused as the necklaces imbedded them selves into their skin. Their legs began to fuse together. Knitting them selfs into a long tail.

Their tails glowed a vibrant gold. For they were the first mermaids.

"After the ocean was filled with beautiful mermaids. Tails with all different colors, but never gold. The first mermaids were named the king and queen of the ocean. Though after ruling for hundreds of years a curse was put on them. They will sleep forever until they are reborn. By two mermaids, souls who belong to each other. They will then become the new king and queen of the underwater realm." Uncle Derek finished his story. I realized that I had met the queen of all mermaids in my dream.

"Oh my." Pine said breathlessly j had to admit it was a lot to take in. I'm surprised our parents never told us that story.


Hey guys so this story is off hold!!!!

Also in case anyone didn't know this, this story is a short story. So I'm thinking 3-4 more chapters including an Epilogue.






A Mermaid's Tale [Short Story]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora