To Be Forward

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"Dr. Isley, I do hope you understand the risks of working in such a place as Arkham Asylum. The patients you will be dealing with are not for the faint of heart. "

A small smile curved on the woman's lips.  "I have no delusions, I am aware of the extremity of these patients. I know of the dangers working with these people. I'm not exactly new to this field of work. "

The man leaned back in his seat. The balding patch on his head shone in the bright artificial lighting.
"I am aware of your credentials Doctor. "

Dr. Pamela Isley crossed her legs, and her long red hair fell down her right shoulder. 
"Mr. Anderson, if I may be so forward,  Arkham is not crawling with job applicants. You are desperately understaffed, and can hardly keep the doctors here around."  Pamela leaned forward. "With that being said, I don't think nitpicking your only applicant is a good idea."

Mr. Anderson rolled a ball point pen in between his fingers.
"That was quite forward Dr. Isley, however you are not wrong. "

The woman pursed her lips. Of course she was not wrong, it didn't take a genius to figure out the poor state Arkham was in.

Mr. Anderson stood as he fixed his tie, the unflattering paisley thing had gone askew during her interview.
She stood with him, pushing the red waves over her shoulder.

"Dr. Isley, your badge should be ready by tomorrow, and it is regulation for doctors to wear their hair above the collar." He outstretched his hand.

"Of course Mr. Anderson." She shook his hand. "I shall see you at seven a.m. sharp."

"We will await your arrival."

-  -  -

Pamela slammed the car door shut, the sound reverberating off the apartment complexes on the block. She owned one of the few lone town houses in Gotham. It's brick outside was cracking and someone had graffitied the left side of it last April. However she didn't have to share it with anyone.

Her only roommates were house plants and a lone goldfish, they didn't say much. She fumbled over her keys and unlocked the front door. She was exhausted, she wanted to sleep for three years. Thirty four wasn't exactly a great age for pulling all nighters then applying for a job the same day.

The door pushed open with a slight creak as she stepped onto the wood flooring. Shutting the door behind her she hung her coat on hanger next to the door.
Pamela kicked her heels off before stumbling into the kitchen to pour her a glass of wine.

Not to long after, she fell asleep.

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