Chapter 7- Breakfast

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Italics are their thoughts.


Percy p.o.v

"WAKE UP SEAWEED BRAIN!!!" Percy woke up to Annabeth yelling in his ear, with a pillow an inch from his face.

"But I want to sleeeeeeeeeeep"

"You are going to miss breakfast!" He sat up so fast he accidentally hit Annabeth in the head.

"Sorry about that," Percy said, then stood up and picked out his CHB shirt and some jeans, Annabeth takes the same thing as him. They changed and walked out to hear Nico and Thalia sparring in the training room. Percy grabbed his fiance's hand and walked out of the door to the Gryffindor common room. Hermione was waiting for them on the couch. They all get up and headed downstairs. They were about to enter the Great hall, as Mc Gonagall came up to Percy and said urgently,

"I need you to be the DADA teacher, can you?" WHAT? I CAN'T TEACH!!!

"Um... sure, but only if Annabeth, Nico, and Thalia help me. Also, can we teach sword-fighting, since they aren't good at it?" He answered, whispering the last part so it would be a surprise.

"Sure. We really need a teacher"


The quintet walked over to the Gryffindor and sat down. Just as they finished burning the food for their parents, a swarm of owls came in. I did the reasonable thing and panicked. Percy frantically looked at Annabeth with his cute seal eyes.

"Protect me?" He asked pleadingly.

"Well . . . She's still mad about you proposing, you know" She said teasingly, while Hermione was trying to hold back laughter but failing. Just as the owls were to attack me, Annabeth and Hermione look at them with a stern face. The owls just fly away glaring at me, if owls can.

Annabeth p.o.v

Hermione and Annabeth look at them and telepathically told to stay away from him. They finished eating. Percy gave me those puppy dog that makes me melt on the inside. Annabeth leaned over and passionately kissed him. He seemed surprised for a millisecond before kissing back. Annabeth put her arms around his neck pulling him closer. They were interrupted by Death Breath.

"No PDA! Get a room!" Nico yelled

"What about you and Will . . ." Seaweed-brain says teasingly. Nico blushed and started staring at space with a dazed look on his face. Probably thinking of Will.

"OOH! YOU GUYS GOT TOGETHER!" Hermione yelled excitedly. Seriously, she could be an Aphrodite girl if she wasn't so smart.

"Yeah, right after the war" After I said it, I regret it. Annabeth slipped into a nightmare.


I looked around and saw my half-sister being overtaken by monsters. Suddenly, my vision changed and I saw Percy being tortured while I was held back by some monsters, then it turned to Silena who looked at me and said,

"My death is your fault,"

Zoe appeared in her place,

"You should have died instead"

Then the worst of all, Luke "You could have saved me, why didn't you? I thought we were family." I started to cry. I then heard someone saying,

"Wise-Girl, wake-up. It's just a nightmare."

She snaps out of the nightmare and said,

"Can we go to our room? I need to tell you what it was about." She whispered. Percy picked her up bridal style and went up to their room. Percy sat Annabeth down on the bed and she told him what it was about. At the end, he has tears in his eyes, while Annabeth was just crying her eyes out. Nico, Thalia, and Hermione came in and sat around the couple.

"What was that about?" Thalia asked really softly. Annabeth told them the same thing. They all had tears in their eyes.

"I'm sorry, it's no your fault, they died as heroes," Hermione whispered.

Its gonna be really hard to tell Drake about Luke. They were really close. They go back to the Great Hall and saw Drake sitting alone at the Slytherin. They walked over whilst preparing themselves for an extremely angry son of Hermes. Percy walked up to him and explained what had happened to Luke. After he finished explaining what happened, Drake was sobbing into his shoulder. Annabeth was crying into Thalia's shoulder. Just then, the two wizards that Annabeth couldn't hate more, came over.

"Why the bloody hell are you talking with Malfoy?" Ron half yelled

"We are all related. Thalia, Nico, and Percy are cousins. Drake, Hermione and I all have the same grandpa. Our grandpa is Thalia's dad. We are all one big family" Annabeth retorted angrily.

"Wait . . . WHAT??? 'Mione, you never told us you and Malfoy are related." Harry exclaimed.

"Ooh! Let's go to the lake!!!" Percy yelled, totally off topic.

"It's bloody freezing!"

"That's not going to stop him. On the other hand, Thalia and I are going to go have hunger games movie marathon." Nico said

"Ok, let's go get our bathing suits on!"

We all go to our rooms. Annabeth got out her gray bikini while her fiance got out some sea green swim trunks. She went to the bathroom and got dressed. When she walked out, she saw him sitting on the bed. Di Immortales, he's hot with his six pack and ruffled raven black hair. I can't believe he's going to be mine. I wonder when we are going to get married. I hope the colors are sea green, and gray and the flowers would be water lilies. Stupid ADHD. She walked over and sat down next to him.Percy looked at Annabeth and his jaw dropped.

Percy p.o.v

Percy sat down on the bed waiting for Annabeth. She sat down next to him and when Percy looked over at her, his jaw dropped. Percy's one thought.

She's beautiful.

She's mine forever and I love her so god damn much! She looked at Percy and smirked then asked,

"When are we going to get married? I was thinking we could do it here with our friends in the Great Hall."

"I love you, and I think that's a great idea."

"I love you too Seaweed brain. Now let's go!" Percy grabbed her hand, grabbed some towels and head to the lake. When they got there, 'Mione, Drake and ugh, Harry and Ron were there. Percy walked into the lake, then walked back out and grabbed Annabeth by the waist and slung her over his shoulder. Percy ran into the lake and went underwater. Percy created an air bubble around them. They both leaned in and kissed passionately. Just like our first underwater kiss. Percy smiled into the kiss and kissed her harder. After making out for 10 minutes, They decided to go back up to the surface. When they get out, Harry and Ron seemed to be talking with Hermione. Percy sneaked up behind them and scared the hell out of them. Let's just say, we shouldn't have been down there for so long. Harry and Ron were suspicious about how long they were underwater.

"How did you guys stay down there for such a long time?" Ginny asked. When did she come?

"I specialize in water magic," Percy replied

"We should get going," Annabeth said

I hope you liked this chapter. It has 1201 words!

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