Chapter Forty-Nine

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"Coming!" I yell from the kitchen as I hear knocking coming from the front door. It's almost five so whoever it is better have a good reason for being here. As I open the front door, I notice Scott and Stiles standing there looking just as surprised as me.

"Oh my god, what are you guys doing here?" I pull them in for a hug.

"We came to see your new house and you of course" Scott explains as he walks in after our tight hug

"To be completely honest we accidentally went next door thinking it was your house. But I wasn't disappointed with who answered it" Stiles comments wriggling his eyebrows.

"Don't bother she has a boyfriend" I say closing the door.

"Wow, you've been here three days and already know everyone's personal lives" Scott chuckles walking into my lounge room and sitting on my couch.

"I only know that because I'm friends with this guy whose brother is dating her" I explain sitting on the floor opposite them.

"How many people do you know here already?" Stiles asks surprised.

"Only Patrick and Adam" I shrug.

"Well changing subjects, we actually brought someone with us" Scott states as I look at him confused.

"He stayed in the car..." He adds on fading.

"Derek's here?" I ask immediately knowing it was Derek they were talking about.

"Holy shit Marzia, what did you do to him?" Stiles suddenly asks loudly.

"I did nothing!" I object.

"Well you did something because ever since he turned back to an adult and when he came back yesterday he has been a complete wreck. I can't believe I'm saying this myself but I feel sorry for him." Stiles explains.

"All I did was say I needed space!"

"Did you let him speak?" Scott questions.

"I ugh..." I mutter.

"See Marzia, you always do this. You always have to be the one to have the last say and never let anyone else have a say. We're going to bring him in so you two can talk. I'm sick of him being so down and not helping me out with the crazy shit going on back in Beacon Hills" Scott annoyingly says as I bite my tongue. It's none of his business what Derek and I do and how he deals with break ups. It's not my fault! Or is it? No... No it isn't. Oh I don't know anymore!

"Come on" Scott's voice comes from the door as I finally realized he wasn't sitting in front of me. I stand to my feet seeing Derek walk in and for once, he didn't look intimidating. He didn't look scary; he didn't look built up to perfection. He looked weak and vulnerable. Usually how I feel.

"How about you two go upstairs and Stiles and I will stay down here" Scott says between us as I begin to walk up the stairs as Derek follows. We get into my room and the two of us sit on my bed. I quickly stand running my hands through my hair.

"What's happened to you Derek?" I whisper looking back at him.

"I don't know anymore" He replies, voice low.

"You look like a mess... Why are you allowing yourself to do this?" I question him.

"I just don't know how to deal with everything. You left me when I wasn't able to understand anything. I didn't have my memory and yet you just left me and told Scott to tell me we were over. How do you think that left me? You didn't even give me a chance to tell you things I've been dying to tell you."

"You want to know why I left? I left because I'm unable to live a normal life. Before we met, I was happy. I was a young woman going into college to study something I've always wanted to do. But then you come into my life and fucked it up for me. I hated the fact that you were just using me to fuck until one day you asked me to be your girlfriend which fucked me up even more. Then I wasn't sure if I hated the fact I love you or loved the fact I hated everything you did..." I cry and trying to make sure my words didn't come out mumbled.

"But mostly, I hate the way I don't hate you. Not even close, not even a bit, not even a little. And I hate myself for that." I say through my sobs as Derek cries, putting his hand over his chin and mouth, gripping onto his face tightly.

"I love you so much Marzia" Derek's voice strains.

"Well maybe you should stop loving me" I bite on my tongue as I stare at him. He begins to shake his head before placing his hands on his face.

"I can't stop loving you. I never will" He looks back up at me, showing off his glistening face from his tears.

"Please don't make this any harder than it has to be" I cry hearing my breathing becoming dis-patterned as I stand from the bed wondering towards the door.

"Please don't break up with me. I promise I will give you the life you deserve. Besides, the hunters have all been taken care of and so has Kate. You can go to college like you've always wanted and I'll... I just want to be a part of your life. Please Marzia, you're all I have" He begs as he stands, walking towards me.

"I don't know Derek..." I look down rubbing my arms up and down.

"Please Marzia" His hand touches my arm softly causes my heart to beat loudly. I look up at him, bringing my lips into my mouth before nodding. His puts his arms over me, pulling me into a hug. I place my arms around his torso, pressing my head against his chest. His heart beat was surprisingly slow but that was good I guess... As he stays upstairs, I go downstairs to let the boys know everything was fine. I had my suspicions on Scott thinking he may had been listening to our conversation but I didn't push it. They say goodbye leaving my once lonely house, not so lonely anymore. As I walk back upstairs, I change out of my clothes and get into bed. I grab Derek's hand, bringing him under the covers with me. He grabs a hold of my body, pulling me in close. My hands rest on his chest as we lie there body to body. Why does it always lead back to this?

Starving (A Teen Wolf fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora