Chapter Thirty-Four

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I cough softly as I wake up on Derek's bed. I sit up looking behind me to see Derek sleeping calmly. I look at my dead laptop wondering what had happened last night. Shit, did I fall asleep without getting any work done? Crappy crap crap!! But I do feel so much better actually getting sleep... I put my laptop on the ground lying so I was able to stare up at the ceiling. Should I go to my classes today? I look over to the back of Derek's head, thinking about my decision. I only have like one class anyway... Maybe I'll miss out on today. I move my body to Derek's, holding him from behind. His breathing deep and calming. I love this... I love it so much.

"Derek" I whisper into his ear.

"Derek" I whisper a little louder causing him to stir.

"Mm?" He groans shuffling around until he was facing me, eyes still closed. His arms grab me as he holds me close.

"I think I might go to my mum's for dinner tonight and try to sort everything out with my father... Will you come with me please? Just in case I lose control?" I ask him softly.

"Of course baby" His voice low and husky.

"In the meantime, what do you want to do today?" I grin widely.

"Um, I don't mind babe" he mutters.

"Maybe we could go for a walk through Beacon Hills Preserve?" I suggest.

"No, it's too dangerous" Derek states as I pout to myself, thinking of another option.

"Lunch?" I suggest as it was already eleven forty-five. Damn, I knew I needy sleep but I didn't realize I was that tired. And I'm surprised Derek slept in as long as he did.

"I'm not hungry" Okay then...

"We could meet up with Isaac and Darcy?" I suggest next.

"I'm not in the mood" He mutters. I sigh softly, annoyed with his responses.

"Fine... I'm just going to visit my mum at work and offer to come round for dinner" I mutter getting up and picking some clothes to change into.

"I'll come" Derek speaks up.

"Oh... Okay...." My mum hasn't met Derek. In fact, she doesn't even know I have a boyfriend. This should be fun... After I was dressed, I was pretty much ready to go. I was a little nervous for Derek to meet my mum; mostly because Derek can come off as quite... Rude. I just hope he isn't... well... himself.

"I'll drive" Derek says getting his keys.

"Oh alright" I mumble putting my keys back into my bag.

"Ready?" He questions.

"Yep" I nod following him out of the room then down towards the car. He wasn't acting like himself. It was like someone had just flicked a switch within him. He's being his normal douchey self. We get into his car before speeding off towards the hospital. Derek had his hand on my thigh whish was a normal occurrence. I guess I was more nervous of him meeting my mother than he was himself. As the hospital comes into view, I begin to feel anxious. He pulls up finding a parking spot surprisingly quickly. I look over to him but face was neutral. What is up with him? I hop out of the car waiting for Derek. He stands beside me as I expected his arm to wrap around me like it was does. But... It doesn't... I sigh softly heading to the entry of the hospital with Derek beside me. Luckily for me, my mum was on reception duty.

"Mama!" I smile as I see her writing down some notes.

"Marzia" She grins placing her thinks onto the desk before greeting me with a hug.

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