Chapter Six

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A week has past and I've finally started to get comfortable with all my classes. Isaac and I have gotten closer the past week, hanging out every chance we got. I've called my mum twice letting her know how everything is. I haven't spoken to my brother though. I hope he's okay. Darcy and I have also gotten closer. She's told me almost everything about her but I feel like there's something big she isn't telling me. She'll sometimes leave during the afternoon or night without explanation, then I'll wake up the next morning to see her sleeping peacefully in her bed. I've seen Derek a few times in the past week but the only times I do see him is when I'm with Darcy and he's there. But we don't speak. He either ignores me or just stares at me without a word. It kind of freaks me out. After all, he was so nice to me a week ago. I don't know what I've done... He even once came into one of my lectures wanting to talk to me but decided to leave when I said I couldn't go with him. He really confuses me that man. One minute he's talking to me and then the next, I'm nothing to him. I barely know anything about him besides the things Isaac and Darcy say. Darcy keeps saying I just need to spend more time with him and then he'll open up more. According to her he's actually a nice, caring guy. Well, I can't exactly see that from him. I'm meant to be going with Darcy to another gathering tonight but I don't know if I want to go. The people that were there last time are apparently going to be there and they seemed like nice enough people. But if Lydia's there that means so will my brother and Stiles... Yet again, it is a Friday night... I won't be drinking so if my brother does come I can keep an eye on him. Well why not?

"I'll see you later Darcy. I just have this one lecture for today then you and I can go get that dress from the dryers okay?" I say to her as I grab my laptop of my desk ready to go to my lecture.

"Sounds great! Are you going to get a dress while we are out? I really think you should. Besides, Isaac will be there" She winks at me.

"So what?" I laugh.

"We aren't a thing, we are just friends" I assure her.

"Well maybe from your perspective but from his...." She grins wickedly at the fact she knew something I didn't.

"What?" I look at her wanting answers.

"You should go or you'll be late for your lecture!" She yells pushing me out the door.

"Darcy!" I go to push back in but she had already locked the door. And she was right I was late for my lecture. I look to my right to see Derek leaving his room which causes my cheeks to warm. He looks at me with his stubborn eyes before walking off in the other direction. I sigh to myself wondering down the steps.

I could feel my eyes wanting to close as I listened to my professor speak to us all. Giving us words of wisdom as he likes to say and shining us with his past. Some times I wonder if I accidentally wondered into a history class. My other classes seem to pull me into learning but having this professor just drains me. He talks slow and walks slow which makes my brain work slow. Before I knew it, he was dismissing us from his class. I grab my laptop walking back to my dorm.

"Okay, I'm back" I call out to Darcy. As I walk in she was lying on her bed sleeping. When does this girl ever have class? I place my laptop on my bed before going into the bathroom. I check to make sure I was public worthy before heading back out to Darcy. I place my hands on my hips staring at the sleeping girl. She's hopeless. As I go to wake her, something catches my eyes. Her nails looked long, black and unlike Darcy. They didn't even look like nails more like claws. I've never seen her nails like this before... Maybe she has a fungus disease? I continue to stare at her nails confused as to why they looked like that.

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