"Well, it was an amazing date but..."


"Gosh, you're so impatient!"

"Oh well I'm sorry I want things to be perfect!"

"Man you are something else but anyways, I like guys that are like you but I can’t lie, I really like a bad boy."

"A bad boy?" He asked with confusion written on his face. "Yes, I like boys that are wild but are still a gentlemen. Someone who will do the craziest things but still be a softie for the one he loves. But most importantly, a guy who will chose his family over anything. That's just what I think," A smile grew on his face from ear to ear and his eyes were sparkling. Curious, I asked, "Why are you smiling like that?"

"Well Emma, lets just say that there is a part of me that you don't know about." He said still smiling like a fool. "And what is that?" 

"You'll see," He grabbed his phone out from his pocket then dialed a number and put the phone to his ear. "Hey, Noah. Yah change of plans, I'll be there." 

"Yah, all right bye," He hung up and put his phone back in his pocket. "Come on we need to go and make sure you tell your mom your staying at Nick's house because we will be gone for the night."

"Umm, where the heak are you taking me." 

"Like I said, you'll see," Ugh, great now I have to wait. "Oh and by the way I'm going to have to take you home to change into something hot because where we are going, the people won't like how you look."

"What do you mean?" 

"Why so many questions Emma?"

"Uh, because I have no clue where we are going and I am kind of scared by that."

He laughed "Well don't be. You're safe with me, I promise."

We both got in his car and it's weird. I did feel safe around him. Almost like he could protect me from anything. We then drove off.


I'm in the car and all I'm thinking is where the heak are we going? Before we were going to this place I had to go home and change. I wore high wasted tight leather black pants; with a crop top with the words BOSS printed on it and burgundy wedges. I made sure I told my mom about the lie and she seemed fine with it. I felt bad for lying but hey, it happens. We finally drove into an alley and I gasped and then had the biggest smile on my face. "I knew you would like it," Adam said. "Like? I love!" I said and clapped rapidly. We were driving in an alley with a bunch of people with sexy, fast cars and girls showing there skin and people just laughing and talking looking like there having the time of their life. Music was blasting and all I could think was am I in a Fast and Furious movie? I wouldn't be surprised if I saw Paul Walker here.

Adam and I both came out of his car and he came to my side and put his arm around my waist. We walked to a group of kids who were laughing at some joke a kid said. "EYYYY, Adam my man what’s up?" One of the boys yelled. This caused the whole group to turn and look at us. Heat rose to my cheeks and I felt weird being here. "Noah man how’s it going mate?" Adam said while doing that bro shake with him. 

"Not to bad man but I am so pumped to see you race!" Noah said to Adam. A smile grew on my face and I turned to look at Adam who was already starring at me. "You're going to race?" I said with a raised brow and a goofy smile on my face. He chuckled then smiled. "Yes I am, you like that don't you?"

"Eh depends?

"What do you mean?" He asked with a raised eyebrow. "If you can even race."

"Oh snap she is feisty dude" Noah said then drank some of his beer he was holding in his hand. "Kitten I hope you know that I am the king of racing here." 

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