C9:Malfoy Manor

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Someone call me from down stairs.It was obviously Dad.We are the only two people in the house anyway.


I shouted back.I got up from my bed and start to walk towards the door.

"Yes?What it is Dad?"

"Where are you?"

"in my room"

"Oh..anyway You should start packing.Terms starts with in a week.I'm going to Hogwarts now.Your going to Malfoy Manor"

He said to me.I frown
I'm going where?

"Malfoy Manor? Where is that Dad? why am I going there?"

"You can't join me to Hogwarts yet.Only us staffs are needed there.So that we can start preparing.And do not worry,the Malfoys are family friend.Lucius have a son,He is also my God son so apparently his your Godbrother,I believe your a year older than him.He can accompany you to the train ride to Hogwarts "

I nodded.And go straight to my room and start packing.I already know a lot of spells but I prefer doing it without magic.Or in my father's words
'The Muggle way'
Father said Muggle means 'Non magic folk'


We were standing in front of a very Beautiful house.A Manor as my Father said.It is Really big and beautiful.My father raise his knuckles to knock.

Knock! knock! knock!

The door open and there stand a man with long platinum blond hair that reaches his shoulders.He  look familiar.

He narrows his eyes at me.He look shock for a moment.But replace it with a expressionless reaction.

Wait! I remember him.

His the man who was staring at me when Minerva and I are in Diagon Alley.

He greeted then he look at me again. "And you must be Lauraine...It's...nice to finally see you"

He let us in.I look around the house and there's only one thing I could describe it.

It's jaw-dropping.It more beautiful than Minerva's and our house.


A voice called Mr.Lucius.I turn my head and saw a very pretty Lady.I think she's Mr.Lucius Wife.

"Cissy... Severus ask for his daugther,Lauraine to stay here for a few days until the terms starts.He needed at Hogwarts.So she will be staying with us."

Mr.Lucius explained to 'Cissy' quite a childish name if you ask me.She seems nice though.
She smiled nodded.

"Of course"
She walk towards us and gave me a hug and a kiss.She also did it to Dad.Then she looks at me.

"You must be Severus Daughter,Lauraine?"
I nodded

"The last time I saw you,you were just......"

She stop talking.She's like she were close to tears.I think she remember something.she didn't finish her sentence.instead She ended it with a smile

"You look pretty"

I blush and look down.I'm not use being complimented.Being lock up inside your bedroom for almost 8 years never give me some people to talk to so I'm really quite shy.Specially when people compliment me.

"Thank you"

"I wouldn't be half as pretty as you though."
I whispered to myself but apparently it was loud enough to be heard by everyone.

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