C4:The Malfoys

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"Lauraine where have you been? I told you to meet me here at four! It's already quarter to five."

"Sorry...I lost track of time and..."

"It's ok,I was just worried"

Worried? She's worried about me? I never heard anyone said that to me since I was six.Mommy's always worried about me...

"Lauraine are you ok?"
"Huh? Ah, yeah...I'm fine"
"Ok,we should get going,come on"
I followed her But she stoped when someone said her name
Said a man
Minerva turn around...
"Robert,it's been a long time"

"Yes,yes,..The last time I saw you is when you move out of your house" he said then he seem to acknowledge my presence

"Hi there young lady"
He greeted me.Then he turn to Minerva
"Is this your Daughter?"

"No she isn't"
But he just raised his right  eyebrow
"Now now Minerva you don't have to deny. Its ok to fall in love again..."

He was cut off by Minerva
"She isn't Robert...do you remember Eileen?"

"Your Slytherin friend? Of course i remember her you and William had a big fight because your befriending a Slytherin,what about her?"

"She is her granddaughter"
All to their conversation I listen closely. And there's many questions that formed in my mind

Who's William?
And she knows about my grandmother?

Well she said she knows my mother's side.

After They talk they said goodbye to each other I just politely smiled at Mr. Robert and we continued to walk.
While we're walking I saw a very strange flower well it a lily flower but the color of it is changing.Minerva saw what I was looking at and her face seem to be a little sad.

"Do you want it?"
She ask

"What is it?"
"Its a mood Lily it changes it color according what the owner feels"
Then she start to walk towards the shop.the shop keeper do an enchantment so the lily will be base by my mood. She said the meaning of the colours.

Red is mad
Blue is sad
White is afraid
Pink if embarrass
Yellow is Happiness
Green is jealous
Grey is curious
Violet if nervous or unsure

After we bought the lily Minerva and I go for some ice cream.While I was sitting I saw the Blonde boy again and an older version of him.probably his Father wall by. He saw me and he nudge his Father.when his Father looks at me he look shock but he recovered instantly and walk off. That boy is weird even his Father.

Later on I heared a little girl talking.I look at my side and saw a little girl maybe six years old and a father and mother, happily eating ice cream together. I smiled
Just like my life before...


We are in my favourite ice cream parlour.It was my 7 birthday and were eating ice cream.

"Daddy,can I have another I cream"

"Of course my princess..."

But mommy cut him off

"No,Thats enough you already have two...to much sugar no more"

Then I started to whine

"But mommy..."
" No,no more"

I give her my puppy eyes

"Thats not going to work baby"

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