C7: The truth part 2

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"No,not my Father!Please!Anyone but not him"

I pleaded.Professor Dumbledore look at me with an odd and a mix of sympathy.Minerva on the other hand look really worried and confuse.The man with black robes just look at me with a frown.I'm probably making a fool of myself I bet.I don't care though .No,If my Father is really alive I don't want to be with him.I'm ok now.I don't want him.

But how can this happen?His dead.I saw it with my own eyes.How could he still be alive?

"Lauraine,Dear you'll be Ok.Pls. stop crying"

Minerva said.She headed torwards me and hug me to try and comfort me.

"Why are you so afraid dear? Your father is a great man a bit grumpy at a times but his a good person"

She said.from the corner of my eye I saw the man scowled at Minerva.

Great man?Good person? He was no good person.All he did is hurt me and blame things at me

"I believe we have a bit of misunderstanding here Minerva."

Dumbledore said.Minerva look up at him.she guided me back to my seat and she sit beside me.In front of the odd man who was just silently watching.Dumbledore look at me.

"Can you tell us your father's name Lauraine?"

I look down and glared at the floor

"Anthony,Anthony Miller"

Third person Pov

"Anthony,Anthony Miller"
Lauraine said with pure hatred in her voice.

Minerva and Severus frowned at this.While Dumbledore nodded.

'Anthony Miller? Who in merlin's beard is that?'

Severus thought.Then he Remember his sister introducing her to some Muggle boy years ago.He remembered his name was Anthony but not sure if his surname was Miller.

'What did Silvia do?'
He ask again.His daughter was given to her for protection and then he'll find out she's being abuse then have knowledge about a fake father.Everything didn't go as planned,as always.

"And your mother is?"
Dumbledore ask again.Laurain continue to stare at the floor and answered the question

"Silvia Miller"

Her voice broke When she had said th name.Like it pained her more than ever.

It indeed had pained Lauraine.Her mother had left her the reason was still unknown to her.It was there where it started.Her nightmare kind of life.It started the day she left her.

"It seems that your sister Silvia had made her own story Severus"

Professor Dumdbledore said to Severus.Severus only nodded and look at the broken girl in front of him.He wanted to hug her.But that is not the right thing to do right now.

Lauraine look at him with confusion and wonder.

"Your my mother's brother?that means your my uncle"

'No Lauraine,I'm your father'
Severus thought

"She's not your mother Lauraine"

Minerva said.Lauraine look at her confuse.

"What do you mean?"
She ask while frowning.
Then Dumbledore spoke

"Silvia Snape or Silvia Miller is not your Mother.She is actually your Aunt."

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