Chapter 1 - Niall Horan

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This is the first chappie for my first bromance book ever… Hopefully it’s okay. Anyway, don’t forget to vote and comment kay?! Tell everyone to read this book, enjoy crazy people ^^

At the side is a pic of Niall as wolf

Chapter 1 – Niall Horan

“Are you sure this is a good idea?” I asked Zayn, feeling a bit nervous and unsure about the crazy plan he came up with. “Yes, I’m sure. Stop worrying,” Zayn replied with a roll of his brown eyes. Even thought my friend – and Alpha – was so sure that his plan would work, I wasn’t fully convinced.

He wanted to form an ‘alliance’ with Liam and his pack, he wants the two packs mixed together and when Liam fully trusted him he wanted to kill him. It sounds crazy in my ears, but from the two of us I think I’m the only one who thinks that. Zayn thinks that killing Liam Payne makes him the Alpha from the two packs, but when packs mix together it doesn’t works like that. The wolves are going to fight and kill each other, the winner becomes the Alpha. And that doesn’t have to be Zayn, for example the Beta of the Blue Mountain pack, Louis Tomlinson, could win. I heard that he’s pretty smart, it shouldn’t be difficult for him to outsmart Zayn.

If Liam somehow accept Zayn’s offer it’s going to lead into a disaster and a lot of dead wolves, from both the packs.

I never liked war and death. Life is about giving lives, not taking them.  

I tried to warn Zayn for the consequences – many times – but he’s too proud and stubborn to listen to me.

I don’t know Liam Payne, Alpha of the Blue Mountain pack personally, but I did know this wasn’t a good idea. Zayn’s weak point is that he’s too stubborn and confident for his own good, sometimes I even wondered how he became Alpha of the Silver Moon pack. He has a bit of a big ego and he’s just stupid.  He’s too stupid to realize the true meaning of living.

I have no idea why the Blue Mountain and the Silver Moon pack despise each other that much, Zayn told me it had to do something with the past between the Payne and the Malik families.

But then I remembered that he’s the last one in his blood line, he’s the last Malik who’s still alive. The last of his family line, his other family members are killed by the Blue Mountain pack, mostly the Payne’s. This is probably one of the reasons why he hates Liam that much.

“Wish me good luck, I’m leaving now,” Zayn said and shifted in his wolf form. Before I could say something he turned around and ran away. I watched the black with blonde wolf running towards the rock in the middle of the territory’s with a frown on my face.

Hopefully that ends well, Zayn might be stupid sometimes but he’s still my friend.

I sighed and started to run towards the forest. I’m not going to follow Zayn, I’m just taking a run. The last time I stretched my paws was too long ago.

While I ran I shifted in my own wolf form. Soon I wasn’t a boy anymore but a powerful white wolf. I happily howled – still running – and went faster. I loved running, it made me feel free.

A free wolf, not bonded to rules. Free to do what I please.

I stopped running when I was at the pond, the pond was close to the rock and in the middle of the territories. The sound of running wolves made me freeze on my spot. I perked my ears up, I noticed it were around six wolves, maybe more.

Soon I saw them, eight wolves – clearly more than six – who ran away from the rock. Probably it was Liam and a few of his pack members.

Looks like the meeting between Liam and Zayn is over, Liam didn’t accept Zayn’s offer. A part of me was relieved, but another part was a bit angry. The part of me that was royal to Zayn, my Alpha.

Where is Zayn even?

I found myself running towards the rock, praying that Liam didn’t killed Zayn. When I got closer and closer I heard growling and snarling, sounds like Zayn. I jumped out of the branches and saw him. He stood there mopping around and whining that his plan didn’t work out like he pleased.

Zayn, are you okay? I asked him though the pack link, Zayn’s head snapped towards my direction and he nodded. Anger was still visible in his eyes, but he didn’t show that.

I’m fine, let’s go back. I’m hungry, he whined and ran back towards our territory. My ears perked up and I had to sprint to keep up with him. Zayn was slightly ahead of me but soon I ran next to him.

Let’s get some food.

Lol, this was the first chappie. Sorry if it was a bit boring and short (no need to tell me) but this is how it starts. And don’t worry, Niall and Liam will meet soon. Harry will also soon appear in this book.

Unless the length, was it still okay? I’m new to this ‘bromance’ stuff so if you have some tips or suggestions please comment them.

Best comment gets the dedication

-          Jack the Irish leprechaun

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