Chapter 39 - Harry Styles

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Chapter 39 - Harry Styles

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Chapter 39 - Harry Styles

It seems like Satrina, the Greater Demon, spoke the truth after all. Someone really was bought back to life in the name of Light.

Liam was supposed to have died in the battle with Luke. But Niall bought him back to life because he loved him more than anything else in the world.

Love makes people do crazy things, Satrina's words calmed in my head, which now makes perfectly sense as to why she said that.

Niall seems to be worried about Liam, but there are much greater things at stake here. Niall might very well have doomed us all.

What am I supposed to do with that boy?

He broke the Old Law. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a life for a life. To prevent chaos, there must be order. If a life is given to the Light, a life is owed to the Dark as well. That is how the Old Law goes.

"What are you thinking about?" Niall asked me, bringing me out of my train of thoughts.

"They say that history is written by the winners," I told him. "There might not be so much of a difference between the side of Light and the side of Dark. After all, without the Dark, there is nothing for the Light to burn away. And without the Light, there is nothing for the Dark to consume."

Niall looked at me blankly. I sighed.

"Balance," I clarified. "There are laws older than you can possibly imagine. Some of those laws are older than Heaven and Hell itself. One of those laws is that you cannot bring back what is dead. When the soul has left the body, it belongs to dead. And it cannot be taken back without a price to pay." I explained to my best abilities.

"That does not sounds good," Niall muttered under his breath.

"If the Light brings back a soul," I whispered, "the Dark has the right to bring back one as well."

"Michael," Niall said. "Liam died and I killed Luke. Michael appeared and said I could have anything I wanted. And I said I wanted Liam back, I wanted him back, and he bought him back - for me." His eyes were huge in his pale face. "He was dead only for a few minutes... hardly any time at all..."

"It does not matter to the Old Law how long he has been dead. Dead is dead," I said. Perhaps I was being a bit harsh, but Niall needed to know. "What belongs to the realm of dead must stay dead, no matter how much it might hurt you. The price you have to pay... it's rarely worth it."

"What is the price I have to pay?" Niall asked. "Leah also talked about that, but I don't understand."

"Because of you, the Dark can now literally bring anyone back from the dead. Perhaps Luke. Or the Greater Demon Sammael, who was slain by Michael. Or anyone for that matter," I said.

"I really messed up big time, didn't I?"

"Yes." I replied. "Which is exactly why we should hurry up and go to the Himalayan Mountains, and we should pray that we're not too late."

● ● ●

"Are you sure you have everything?" Leah asked for the tenth time, her lime green eyes looking at me worriedly.

I sighed. "Yes, I have everything. We checked at least five times, didn't we?" I asked her with a crooked smile.

Leah looked past me, at Niall and Phylicia. Niall was in his wolf form and Phylicia was busy by putting some kind of improvised saddle on his back, where Liam could lie on. The 'saddle' was made out of leather with some woollen cloth over it. There were straps all over it that were supposed to keep Liam on Niall's back.

Phylicia seemed to be having a hard time by attaching the saddle on Niall as well. Niall kept moving his head around, he wanted to see everything to make sure the saddle would be save.

"Is that saddle even going to work?" Leah voiced her thoughts, giving the saddle an unsure look.

I shrugged my shoulders. "I'm not really sure. It is the best we have right now, and it's always better than having to carry Liam in our claws. More comfortable for both him, and me and Niall as well." I said.

"Good luck on your journey and look after both Liam and Niall," she said softly. "I'm going back. I'm not sure I trust Zayn all alone with two kids," she added with a chuckle.

My lips twitched up. "Good luck to you as well. They are Louis' kids after all," I said fondly.

I shortly wondered how long it would take for Louis and Eleanor to return. They have been gone for a while after all.

Harry! Niall yelled telepathically. I blinked my eyes and looked at the white wolf with the blue eyes. Stop day-dreaming, we are ready to go, he told me. That was when I noticed that Liam was already strapped on Niall's back. Both his wrists and feet were bound to the saddle, and a thick leather cord went around his wrist as well to keep him in place. It did not looked very comfortable, but it was still better than if Niall had to carry him all the way to the Himalayans. Less tiring for Niall as well.

I nodded. "Very well." I shifted in my own wolf form and soared up high, Niall following closely behind but much more careful. Phylicia and Leah watched us disappear behind the horizon before they too went back to their own activities.

I slowed down my speed a bit and waited patiently for Niall to fly next to me. Is that saddle working? I asked, keeping my eyes fixated in front of me.

It's a bit getting used to and I can't fly as fast as I would like to, Niall admitted, but it seems to be working.

Don't worry about our speed, I said. We are still much faster than if we were to decide to go over land. We will probably take two days with this speed, if we were to go without breaks. Over land it would take at least a week. I informed him.

I do suggest we rest at night though, I advised. I did not need to say why. Liam would need to sleep more comfortably at night.

Niall nodded. Very well, he said.

After that, we mostly flew in silence - with the exception of Liam's groans and muttering. He kept muttering about 'streets of blood' and 'a city of dust and bones.' It kind of worried me to be honest. And the fact that it worried me, seemed to worry Niall as well.

I just hope The Guard is capable of saving Liam.

The next chappie is up! Don't forget to vote and comment, I would also appreciate it if you would share this story with your friends :) Especially COMMENT!!

What do you think is gonna happen next?? Will Harry and Niall safely reach The Guard?! What is The Guard like? Will Liam be alright? And what about Louis? Other predictions you might have? Don't forget to comment them below! I always love reading what you guys have to say, don't be a ghost reader, I don't bite! :D

Until the next time then! Love you all, my dear Sharkicorns! (have been too long since I last used that...)

Also, a nice extra here! This is an edit I found recently with the song 'Fight For You'!! It honestly surprised me by how much it fit this story.... You should give it a listen :) Underneath is a lyric video as well.

- Jack the Irish leprechaun

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