Georry: Full Homo

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A/N: casually making a Harry Potter/George Weasley muggle AU lol. They're not magical in this one, just normal people in high school. George is still 2 years older and he and Fred are a bit of some (gorgeous) nerds lol. Enjoy!



I rolled my eyes as my best friends Draco Malfoy and Ron Weasley bantered mostly jokingly and looked away. We were standing by mine and Draco's lockers, since it was right next to all three of ours last class, History.

"Ron, don't you have class across the building? Shouldn't you be getting ready to go?" I asked, cutting into his sentence. Ron checked his watch and his eyes widened. "Bloody Hell, you're right. I'll see you two at lunch!" he said quickly and scampered off, needing to catch his bus.

I smirked and turned to Draco, amused by his expression. He was sneering but not so much, having managed to get him to lessen that instinctual expression over the last couple months.

"Dray, do you have a date to the Winter Ball yet?" I asked, leaning against my locker. "I was actually thinking of asking Ron's sister, she's sweet even if she's still in junior high. She is able to come right?" he asked confused and I thought for a second.

"Ms. McGonagall said I believe that between 8th and just graduated was just fine. Like, if you'd been out of high school for at least 2 years," I said and he nodded slowly. "I think that would work then. Imagine what Father will say when I tell him I fancy the youngest Weasley," he said, pretending to shudder.

I rolled my eyes and said, "If Lucius can accept Ron as your friend and even Charlie and Bill, I think he Will accept Ginny, she's the most like your mother. Fiery and independent." He rolled his eyes but smiled fondly, nodding.

He nodded behind me and I turned to see Ron's older brother, George, walking towards us. He was the younger of the twins, but more attractive in my opinion.

"Hey, get out of here ginger," Draco sneered. The twins were known to be troublemakers and occasionally seen as nerds, like our friend Hermione.

"Yeah!" I agreed and George got a mock sad look on his face. "Awe," he said and I smiled saying, "Nah just kidding I love you man. Homo." He got a confused look on his face and said, "Don't you mean 'no homo'?"

I laughed and noticed Draco watching with a bewildered expression as I replied, "No, I mean full homo." George gave me a surprised look and asked, "For real?"

Draco's eyes were getting wider and wider the longer our conversation went on and I couldn't help but feel amused by it. He looked like a little blond bird.

"Yeah man, go to the Winter Ball with me?" I asked on a whim and waited anxiously as George looked at me shocked. Draco shook himself out of his shock and nudged him, making the older boy say, "Oh! Uh, yeah, yeah."

I smiled happily saying, "Perfect, I was thinking blue ties." He smiled happily and said, "Maybe with a grey kerchief in the pocket." I winked at him making him flush. "I like the way you're thinking. Meet up after school to talk some more?" I asked and he nodded quickly, his smile infectionous.

I blew a kiss at him and he rushed off to his twin, excitement in his eyes. I turned to Draco and grinned. His grey eyes were staring at me wide, his mouth hanging open. I flicked his chin and said, "Close your mouth Dray, it's unbecoming for a Malfoy to stand with his mouth hanging."

He immediately snapped his mouth shut but said, "You just asked one of the twin menaces to the ball, are you daft?" I smiled and glanced over to where Fred was smiling proudly at George, an arm around his shoulders as he led him away to their next class.

"Nope. I've fancied George since I first met them, I always could tell him and Fred apart. Been wanting to do that for a while now, and I took my chance and killed two birds with one stone," I said and he gave me a confused look as he got into his locker to pull out his binder.

"What two things?" he asked as we headed to our next class, gym. "I got to ask George out and show you how its done," I said proudly and he shoved my shoulder, making me laugh.

I was going to enjoy the ball in two weeks, but I believed even more so the upcoming days. Just some time to woo George, and making that flush appear every few minutes. This was going to be fun.

A/N: this was extremely short omg. But oh well, I tried to make Harry kinda Slytherin but at the same time that was a Gryffindor move when he just went out and asked George lol. Typical Harry. Hope you enjoyed this! Kisses!


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