You Came Back? -Terrornuckel

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Brian hated Thursdays. The day before Friday, the day before before Saturday. Thursdays always dragged, especially as a college student.

Thankfully, he had something to look forward to this weekend. Saturday night, Evan had invited him to a party across campus. Brian wondered if Evan's other friend would be there, the really shy English major guy, what was his name?

Brian shrugged, figuring not. He zoned out as his statistics professor droned on, doodling in his notepad. He was an art major, why would he need math? Or at least college math.

"Test next week, review this chapter and the one before it. Bye," the professor said bored and Brian shoved his notepad into his bag, flinging it over his shoulder to rush out with the others.

He checked his watch, making a face. Evan wouldn't be out of his class for another 30 minutes, but thankfully Brian didn't have any more classes that day. He headed to the Starbucks on campus, rubbing his forehead.

He ran into someone, knocking their books to the ground. "Oh fucking hell, I'm so sorry," Brian sighed, leaning down to help whoever it was pick their books up.

"No worries Brian," the guy said easily and Brian raised an eyebrow at him, blinking a moment as who it was finally registered. "Oh! You're Evan's other friend, uh, I'm sorry, I forgot your name," he said sheepishly and the man laughed, taking the offered books from Brian and standing up.

"I'm Brock," he reminded him and that light went off in Brian's head. "Right! Sorry, its been a long week. I'm headed to Starbucks, want to join me?" He asked and Brock shook his head regretfully.

"Unfortunately I can't, I've got to get to my science lab in like, oh shit, 10 minutes. I've got to go, uh, see you later?" He called as he rushed off, Brian waving amused.

Brian continued on to the Starbucks, yawning to himself. Coffee and a sandwich, then homework, then sleep. Or maybe a nap first, who the fuck knows. He didn't have anything due the next day, though he did have that 5 page essay due in English Writing on Saturday.

He sighed, telling the barista his name before moving to stand by the other caffeine deprived people. He pulled his notepad out, in the middle of a sketch for his Art Theory class.

He sketched while he waited, keeping on ear trained on the front while he lost himself in his drawing. Finally he heard his name and he grabbed his coffee and sandwich, heading back to his dorm.

He settled at his desk, giving his roommate, Tyler, a nod. He sipped on his coffee, pulling the document for his essay up on his laptop. Might as well get this done now.


Brian walked up to the door of the address Evan had given him, double checking his phone. He didn't really need to, the music was audible all the way down the road. He knocked and waited a moment, the door opening a moment later to an unfamiliar face.

"Who invited you?" The guy asked bored and Brian said, "Evan Fong." The guy nodded and stood aside, waving him in. Brian walked in, the smell of cigarette smoke and alcohol smacking him in the face.

"Brian! You made it!" Evan cheered, shoving a beer in his hand and pulling him further into the crowd. "Come on, I want you to meet some of my other friends," he said over the music, Brian letting him pull him through the crowd.

"Brian, this is Lui and Daithi, guys, this is Brian!" Evan said cheerfully, Brian taking in the two men who were leaned against the wall, the shorter guys hand in the taller's back pocket.

"You're from Ireland too? That's what Evan said," the taller guy said, an obvious Irish accent in his voice. Brian perked up, nodding.

"Yeah, from Dublin," he said cheerfully and Daithi grinned, shaking his head. "Of course you are," he said and Brian raised an eyebrow.

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