Katherine pleaded with Arabella who had to restrain herself from releasing a distasteful scoff at Katherine's words. The two were silent for a period of time as Arabella looked disinterested around.

"Arabella, tell me you will give him a chance." Katherine pleaded with Arabella, hoping she would say yes.

"Yes I will." Arabella said smiling slightly, putting the plan into action that had recently fabricated. How she wanted to leave this one sided conversation.

"Thank you. Xavier will be so happy when I tell him." Katherine said.

'How pathetic.' Arabella thought about the entire scenario.

"Would you like you have brunch with me?" Katherine asked warmly.

"No thank you. I'm sorry, but I must be leaving." Arabella said getting up from her seat.

Katherine's face fell from happy to disappointed in seconds, "It is no problem, I will contact Xavier."

Arabella had to resist the urge to say something about the King. "I take your leave." Arabella said looking at Katherine.

"Goodbye dear," the queen said before getting up and hugging Arabella, "I'm so grateful you're doing this."

Arabella would be lying if she said she felt guilty for lying, that was how she was trained to deal with certain situations.

Exiting the room, the King was waiting outside of the door for her. "Did you tell my mother you were going to give us a chance?" The King asked in his voice, that was sonorous.

"Yes." Arabella said as she peered at the handsome suited king.

"Are you really going to give us a chance." He said hopefully, smiling his beautiful smile.

"No." Arabella replied simply and truthfully.

The King grasped her arm and dragged her into the nearby room that was his office. His hand clamped down on her delicate flesh, but she was numbed from the pain she constantly suffered from.

Arabella felt little pain from the pressure the King applied, but it angered her immensely. She snatched her hand away from him, his handprint visible on her skin. Baking easily bruised was a great advantage over the King as he looked formidable at the sprouting bruise with horror.

Deciding to play victim, Arabella held her arm with her hand and whispered 'ow' to the King.

The King gently took ahold of Arabella's hand but she snatched it back before he could look at it.

"Arabella, I am so sorry." The King explained.

"I have to go." Was Arabella's response, before she turned to leave.

The King was frustrated and angry that she had lied to his mother, she had no right. He had been nothing but polite and apologetic and this is how she repaid him.

The banquet was in two day and he knew what he had to do, even if it involved him telling her parents.


Why is Arabella being this difficult ?

What do you think will happen at the banquet?

Xavier is definitely up to something, isn't he?

Is Arabella softening up to The King?

Why did Arabella lie?

Will Arabella forgive the King soon?



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