Chapter 12, The End

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Areum's POV

Jimin came over and explained to me everything, why he called the wedding off and why they broke up.

*1 month later*

Jimin and I were dating. He has started spending more time with Nari. I was watching TV while Nari was playing with her toys. I heard the front door unlock and I saw Jimin come in.

"Hey" I said

"We need to talk" He said

He went to Nari, gave her a hug, and then sat on the sofa next to me.

"What do we need to talk about?" I asked

"I know that Nari is my child" He said

"You do? How?" I asked surprised

"Chanyeol told me. He texted me asking how Nari was and then he told me the truth. Why did you lie to me?"

"He did?" I asked

"Yes" He responded

"The reason I didn't tell you was because you were with Minah and I didn't want you to breakup with her because of Nari and I" I said

"Oh, but still she's my daughter too"

*2 months later*

Nari is staying at my parents house so me and Jimin decided to have a date. I'm struggling because I don't know what to wear.

I decided to wear a maroon tank top, a black skirt, and black flats

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I decided to wear a maroon tank top, a black skirt, and black flats. I put on simple makeup and grabbed my things.

Jimin picked me up and we went to dinner at a fancy restaurant. After we ate we went to the park to walk around. We sat down at a nearby bench and just talked.

Jimin stood up kneeled down. He pulled out a box and said "Will you marry me?"

I was shocked and the ring was beautiful! I wanted to say yes but the words weren't coming out of my mouth

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I was shocked and the ring was beautiful! I wanted to say yes but the words weren't coming out of my mouth. Finally I blurted out "Yes!"

He put the ring on my finger and then hugged me.

*4 months later*

Today is the big day! My mom and Bora helped me get dressed, helped with my makeup, and did my hair. Seul Bi and Yuri are getting Nari ready.

It was finally time to walk down the aisle. I was nervous and scared that I would trip. Knowing me I'll trip or drop the ring. Okay I need to think positive!

 Okay I need to think positive!

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We said our vows and our I dos. It was now time for the rings. He put my ring on and I put his on.

But everyone got surprised when Nari was called up

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But everyone got surprised when Nari was called up. We put a heart locket on her and hugged her. After she went back to her spot and we continued.

"You may kiss the bride"

The end...

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