Thibgs are changing

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Arriving in the poorest district the peacekeepers welcomed me with open arms. They were so different here and literally did not care at all as long as you didn't piss then off you were free to do whatever you pleased
"Back so soon Chloe" Tom was probably one of the nicest peacekeepers to ever exist and was especially nice to me since he came from my district
"Someone has to look after Haymitch" there was some truth in that I guess, though I had no doubt that Haymitch could look after himself since he had won the last quarter quell beating 47 other children to come home. Letting me pass he wished me luck for tomorrow's announcement before disappearing back to the others. Pulling the bag tighter I set of for Victors village. I was met with smiles from the districts citizens who all looked so hungry and tired and I would give anything to give them more food or just a way to help them but it wasn't allowed no matter what Katniss and Peeta said they were going to do for 11, it would never happen and we all knew it. Victors village stuck out like a sore thumb against the ran down seem that bordered the gates. It happened to look exactly the same as district 4's village except flowers didn't exactly bloom and there was no water flowing down the centre. Haymitch lived at the far end away from all the other houses, I guess it had made him feel better then being surrounded by empty houses. Knocking on the front door I gained no answer so pushed on the door to find that it was unlocked. Same old Haymitch. Walking into the house an overwhelming stench of alcohol flooded my nose and made me recoil. Everyone had their own way of coping with what had happened so who was I to judge? Hearing slight snoring contingent from the kitchen it didn't take long to figure out where my life line was. Passed out still seated at the table he looked a mess but I couldn't let him stay that way. Picking up the only apple left in the bowl I threw it full force at the side of the table causing to to break and send pieces flying waking him up in the process of it all. Grabbing the knife he let out a small shriek before throwing it at me. Ducking the knife implanted in the wall where my head should have been. Realising what he had just done his eyes widened in shock
"Chlo? I am so sorry I didn't know you were coming" he stammered upset by his actions. Laughing I pulled the knife from the wall and dropped it in front of me
"Next time don't scream, kinda ruins the element of surprise " standing up he hugged me which I needed so much
"What brings you to my humble abode?" He asked though a part of me thought that he already knew
"The announcement is tomorrow and your the only family I have left "
"What about Finnick?" Raising my eyebrow he smirked knowing that I hated my former friend
"Moving on where's the two Star crossed lovers " I asked not seeing Katniss or Peeta anywhere and I had noticed there houses were empty when I had walked past them
"Town I assume or hunting " he answered with a simple shrug of his shoulders before taking another sip from the bottle
"There not happy, I was in the capitol the other week and it was in a frenzy. They manipulated the game Haymitch and you know as well as I do that there will be reprocusions for Katniss's actions " he knew I was right he just didn't want to admit it. Snow had killed his entire family for how he had won the games. Suddenly an outbreak of gun shots and screaming rang out as we both shot for the door.
"What's happening?" I shouted as we took off running through the village and arriving at the edge of the seem to see dozens of peacekeepers shoving people towards the centre as the tried to get around them
"There not our keepers " Haymitch said pointing out the obvious fact that these Were not the lenient court keepers that 12 was used to. Pushing through the crowd people moved out of the way to let the victors pass. Reaching the square nothing could have prepared me for the horrors that were unfolding. Gale is tied to a post with a wild turkey hangin limply from his neck . His back is carved in blood making bile rise into my mouth and tears threatened to overspill from my eyes . Standing menacingly next to him with a whip in his hand must be the new head peace keeper. Raising the whip high into the air my attention is caught by Katniss screaming before lunging herself forward and laying waste to the whip which slashed at her face causing blood to rise to the surface. Everything happened so quickly. Peter ran out to protect her and the peace keeper went to raise the whip again before Haymitch shouted out
"Hold it" he shouted causing all attention to fall on him as we walked out with most eyes widening at the district 4 victor coming to the aid of a criminal
" What the hell is your problem" I spat standing in front of Katniss as Haymitch checked on her
"She interrupted the punishment of a confessed criminal " he said simply . This man did not care at all
"You just struck a victor" recognition crossed over his face as he realised who Katniss was
"She interrupted the punishment of a confessed criminal " he repeated again trying to justify his actions
"I don't care if she blew up the blasted justice building! Look at her cheek! " Haymitch was angry and nothing could stop him
" That's not my problem " he said. This guy was asking for it
"Well I'm going to make it your problem d you understand?"
"And you are?"
"Chloe Monroe, district 4 victor " his eyes widened but then his face turned into a sadistic smirk
" I've been instructed to return you to your own district and you will be denied access back to district 12" looking at him in shock this could not happening to me right now. Shaking my head two peace keepers stepped forward to escort me back. Taking my arm I pulled t from one of their grasps
" let go of me " I spat at him before turning to Haymitch who had a look of shock plastered onto his face
"I'll see you soon " hugging him I let the peace keepers take me away without any protest. Taking one last look at the group Peeta and Haymitch were pulling Gale up onto their shoulders and were taking him away. What was happening here ?

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