Author's Note

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Cover by @FanGirlFromHell12

Quick Note: This story WILL have mature language and themes. Sexy sexy time won't make up the bulk of it and I promise there's a decent story in it somewhere...

That means eventually I might have to make a few chapters private to keep the Wattpad gods happy. Which means following me to read them.  I'm not doing it to be an ass, I promise ♡ I'll try and let you know ahead of time if that's what ends up happening.

So if you're reading this, thanks for giving my book a shot! This is a reworking of the original book which is long gone from my profile. I started writing it without a clear idea in mind and as I moved on, a plot began to develop and I got bigger and better ideas. Now that I have a better idea of the story I want to write, I decided to start from the beginning again.

I don't know if that makes me smart or stupid *shrugs*. All I know is it's a story I don't want to give up on. I have an idea for book two in mind and can't do it until this one's outta the way. There's also the part of me that doesn't want to be one of the thousands of authors that leaves an unfinished book here on Wattpad. I'm a Taurus. We're stubborn like that.

I wasn't really happy with how some of my characters were turning out and I wanted to restructure my book's world a little bit. There were also a few changing viewpoint chapters I wanted to add that didn't make sense with the old layout. I'm hoping things turn out more fluidly this time around but no promises. Writing is always a work in progress and there are always things that can be improved upon.

If you read the first draft, I'd really appreciate some feedback on which you like better. If you're starting with this one, consider yourself lucky. You're at least getting something kinda cohesive and planned out.

I try my best to put out writing that has relatively good grammar but I write on my phone and tablet using the Wattpad app and you know how they can be. Freaking spell check and space key *waves fist*. So if you see anything really bad, let me know and I'll try fixing it as soon as possible. I'll eventually do a more thorough edit but for right now, if nothing's too offensive I'm good. The last thing I want to do is put something out that I wouldn't read myself.

The only reason I call the bonded humans Pets is because they are meant to act as companions to their vampire masters, keeping them company and acting as a source of comfort in some cases. I didn't realize that there was a pet kink until after I started writing the book and... yeah. There have been some misunderstandings.

Please try and remember that this is technically a first draft. While it may not be bad, it won't be as great as it can be either. Usually, the goal of a first draft is to just get everything down and then go through and clean it up in later edits. I do the best I can but if I focused too much on what I have already written, nothing new would ever get done. I plan on finding a helper once I can mark this baby as complete.

I'm prone to randomly editing chapters. It's mostly to clean up any spelling errors or missing words I catch but every now and then I find places I can expand upon and add a few paragraphs. It won't be any massive changes to the story or anything. That's what this rewrite is for in the first place. If you get a notification, it wouldn't hurt to check it out if interested. Or if you'd rather wait until I'm done with the whole thing, that's cool too!

My updates are unpredictable. Between school, work, and just being unable to write large chunks at once, I can't promise when a new update will be. I can sometimes knock a chapter out in two weeks, other times it's closer to a month. I'm sorry if this turns you off but it's how I operate. If you are willing to be patient, thank you!

Don't be afraid to show the love if you're getting into it. Vote, comment, and spread the word if you do.🙂 Help a girlie out and it's always appreciated.

Last but not least, if you have any questions about how the world works, please keep reading. Chances are, what you want to know is brought up in a later chapter.

I have gotten sooo many comments and messages from readers only a few chapters in asking me to clarify something that I write about later on in the book when it becomes more relevant. I'm honestly getting sick of having to explain the same thing over and over again when a little patience would go a long way.

With that out of the way, I hope you enjoy~

                  E.E Barnes

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