Bloody Accident

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"Ugh. Too bright. My head hurts." Mark turns his head away from the bright light streaming in from the window. He licks his lips and recoils at the coppery taste that hits his tongue. "What the..." Mark attempts to sit up but is stopped by the weight on his chest. He attempts to open his eyes, fighting against the brightness. He can barely make out the form of a body on his chest, cuddled up close. After a couple of seconds, he is able to make out the bright green hair that obviously belongs to Jack. Mark stiffens at the sight. "Why is Jack..." Mark feels a lump in the throat as he notices the deep read stains covering his and Jack's bodies. Mark takes his hand that is wrapped around Jacks shoulders, giving him a slight shake. "Ja...Jack".

Jack feels someone shaking him, gently...heres a deep voice say his name. He lets out a groan, not being a morning person normally, but he felt the splitting headache as this person was trying to wake him. He attempts to grab the covers to pull over his head, but his hand finds something semi hard and round. "What..." Jack says softly, lifting his head, opening one eye to see what was in his bed. Once he adjust to the brightness of the day, Jack realizes he is, in fact, holding on to a dick. Jack jumps back, sitting up and placing himself far away from the naked man holding him. "What the fuck? Mark?" Jack gets even more freaked out when he realizes he was just holding his best friends dick.

Mark stands up quickly, removing himself from the bed and giving Jack's retreating form some room. "Jack, What the hell happened?"

"You tell me. Wait...are you covered in blood?" Jack looked over Mark's naked form as he pulls the covers over himself to hide his own body.

"First off, I don't know what happened. Secondly, Yeah...we both are." Mark wasn't even caring about the fact that he was standing naked. He honestly didn't care why. Right now, all that mattered was where this blood came from and who did it belong to.

"WHAT?" Jack shrieked, jumping out of bed and running into Mark's bathroom. Mark was right. Jack looked like he had bathed in blood. His hair had streaks of blood in it. There was blood on his lips, running down his neck, like he had drank some. He was completely covered on his torso and arms. Jack felt a wave of nausea, turning just in time to vomit into the toilet, tears streaming down his face and sobs escaping his throat between gags.

Mark was there immediately. He reached out to hold Jack, but froze as his own reflection caught his attention. He looked almost the same as Jack, but worse. He had a few bite marks on his neck and chest, looks like he was bitten hard enough to break skin. There were cuts as well, but nothing that needed stitches. He swallowed the bile that was building in his throat. "One of us has to hold it together or we won't get anywhere." Mark thought to himself as he turned his attention back to Jack. He noticed claw marks on Jack's back and bruises on his hips. He was slowly piecing together why they were naked in bed and where some of the blood had come from, but there was way to much for it to just be from rough sex.

"Jack, come on." Mark bent down beside Jack and pulled him close, stroking his blood crusted hair. Jack didn't fight it. He had vomited up everything on his stomach, only left dry heaving, which hurt his head even more. "Come on. Lets get you cleaned up." Mark stood up with Jack, making sure he could stand on his own before letting him go to run the shower. Once the water was hot enough, he lead Jack to the shower and joined him. Jack only moved when Mark moved him, but his eyes followed all of Mark's own movements. Mark got the shampoo and washed Jack's hair, then moved to washing Jack's body. He took his time, partly to make sure to get every spec of blood off Jack, partly because he was examining the man he had just obviously had sex with. Once he had Jack completely cleaned up, He moved to getting all the blood off himself, taking note that Jack was just leaning against the cool shower wall, waiting.

After showering, Mark got out and wrapped a towel around himself before turning to Jack. He was relieved to see that Jack was at least moving a bit on his own, removing himself from the shower and looking into the mirror. "It's all gone, Jack." He held out a towel to his friend. Jack nodded and took the towel, drying himself off and wrapping it around his waist before following Mark to the bedroom. He froze, a catch in his throat as he tried to scream at the sight. Mark's bed was covered in blood stains. Pillows as well.

"Shhh. Shhh. It's okay. It's okay." Mark was quick to pull Jack's frame into his own, making sure Jack couldn't see the sight anymore. "Come on, lets go." He lead Jack out of the room, taking him to the guestroom where his clothes are. "Get dressed, Jack. I'll be back in a minute. I promise." Mark rushed out, shutting the door. He went to the kitchen, grabbed a huge trash bag, and ran back upstairs. Mark quickly removed all his bedding, including the pillows, and stuffed them into the bag, taking note of the blood stains that had seeped onto the mattress. "Well, I was due for a new bed anyway." He quickly got dressed in his boxers, jeans, and blue flannel, before getting new bedding and pillows from the linen closet. Mark made sure to get his dark blue bedding to help hide what was left on the mattress. Once he was done, he put his towel in the hamper and took the trash bag in the garage. He would have to dispose of that himself.

Mark hesitated outside Jack's door, feeling his knees getting weak. "What do I say to him? How do I make this okay?" Mark swallowed. Not only did they have to face that they had sex, but also the blood. Mark opened the door slowly "Jack?" He came in just in time to see Jack slide a blue hoodie over his naked torso. He was already in his tight black jeans, which Mark was thankful for. He didn't need to be distracted by Jack's body atm. Jack looked up at Mark, his eyes red from crying again.

"H...Hey." Jack finally spoke, hands going into his pockets. Mark entered the room and sat on the bed. Jack just stood there, blue eyes meeting Mark's brown ones.

"So..." Mark said, not sure where to start.

"So..." Jack repeated. "What the fuck happened last night? Last thing I remember was having a couple of drinks with the guys."

"Yeah, well, you guys were drinking." Mark had soda since he couldn't drink alcohol for health reasons.

"Yeah. Then you and I took Ryan and Matt home. Then I passed out. What the fuck happened after I was out, Mark?"

"I don't know? I don't remember anything past that also." Mark felt a pain in his chest, was Jack... "Are you accusing me of something?"

"Well, I woke up in your bed after passing out from drinking...Naked and bloody. Did you...Did you fucking rape me, Mark?" Jack was starting to cry again, feeling betrayed and hurt.

Mark jumped up "How the fuck can you even think I would do that?" Mark was angry that Jack would even think something like that. His hands were balled into fist.

"What the hell am I supposed to think?" Jack's hands mimicked Marks. He didn't want to believe that his best friend could do such a thing. Yeah, he was highly attracted to Mark, but to be taken advantage of like hurt him too much

"Jack, I swear, I'm just as clueless as you about what happened last night. I can't deny we had sex...there is too much evidence to support that..but I honestly don't know how it happened. I blacked out too." Mark was crying too, running one hand through his hair. "Jack, please believe me. I don't know what happened, let alone where the blood came from."

Jack could tell Mark was being sincere. He reached out and hugged Mark close, Mark finally letting it all go, sobbing into Jacks shoulder. "Maybe...Maybe we were drugged at the bar last night, man." Mark nodded, his hands grasping Jack's shirt tightly. Jack just stood there and held on to Mark, being the strong one for him.

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