Goddamnit Wade

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Mark's hand slammed down again, catching against the already reddened skin of his ass and causing a sharp slapping noise to crack through the room. Jack could only gasp, clutching onto the sheets and pulling them up to his face as he felt the other man spank him again.

"Dirty fucking bitch, needs to be taught not to misbehave" The older man growled, grabbing the flesh of one of his asscheeks and squeezing harshly, the Irishman moaning softly at the roughness of his boyfriend's touches.

He brought his hands up to Jack's shoulders and dug his nails in, dragging them down his back in a harsh fashion and earning cries from the younger man, his eyes closed tight as pain and pleasure reeked havoc on his body.

"S-so good.." Jack panted, hiding his face in the sheets as Mark repeated the action again, though he knew he had to remain quiet since they weren't the only ones in the apartment.

Currently, Wade was staying over for the week and had caused disruption to their frequent sexual endeavours. Mark had grown impatient though and on the last day of Wade being here, the American had decided to pounce on Jack and give him the best punishment he could ever imagine.

Mark brought his head toward the space between Jack's lower back and ass, biting the taut flesh and creating small blemishes, smirking at his work while the other man continued to tremble underneath him. It made Mark's cock hard just seeing him like that.

The older man pressed kisses down until he was at his ass again, teasing him as he nipped at the skin of his asscheeks with his teeth and had Jack moaning again, this time the sound coming out a little louder than he had expected it to.

Hearing how loud the Irishman was, Mark smacked his ass again and bit down hard, Jack convulsing since the pain was harsh and stung. "Be quiet. Or you'll get yourself into more trouble"

Jack swallowed thickly, excitement shooting through his body at the idea of what he meant by 'more trouble'.

It seemed that he didn't have to wait too long to wait for what he meant though as he felt Mark's hard length grinding against him, it seemed like the older man didn't have the patience to wait for when Jack was ready for him.

"Gonna fuck you so hard.. You'll be begging for me to stop when I'm done with you"

"Oh sh-shit.." The Irishman nearly choked, his eyes slipping shut when he heard Mark speaking so dirty to him, the tone of his voice mixed with the sensation of his length against his asscheeks being enough to make arousal bubble up inside him.

Mark spanked him again and dug his nails in. "I said be quiet. Don't even fucking speak" Jack nodded his head quickly and bit down on his lower lip, though he couldn't help the silent whines that kept leaving his lips every time he exhaled.

Turns out, they weren't as silent as Jack thought. He felt the American's hand crash down on his skin again, creating a pleasurable burn which had Jack's lungs stuttering as he attempted to inhale.

But just as he was about to spank Jack once more, his attention was caught by the sound of the door opening behind them.

Wade stood there, looking shocked and extremely confused.

"I.. Um.. I'll leave you two in privacy" The door shut again and both men were left in silence, they looked at one another mortified and a large blush appeared on Jack's face since his friend had just seen him in such an intimate position.

"Oh good god.. Did.. Did that jus' happen?"

Mark nodded his head, his face equally just as red as the Irishman's. "Y-yeah, but uh.. Let's focus on that later. I still wanna fuck you.." But Mark's tone was all off and it seemed like the mood had been killed, Jack definitely didn't feel like having sex anymore.

"Maybe we should go talk t' him" The older man's eyes bulged at Jack's request and he shook his head rapidly, though Jack was having none of it. "No, we should go talk t' him. He needs to know and the way he found out, was the worst way possible"

Letting out a soft sigh, Mark reluctantly nodded and went to pull his boxers on, a little irritated that their play had gone without result. Jack noticed this and went over to him, pressing a gentle kiss to his lips.

"I promise once we've talked t' him. I'll let yeh ravish me all ya want"

Hearing the seductive tone in his boyfriend's voice, Mark grinned at him and then pulled his clothes back on. They took each other's hands and opened the bedroom door slowly, making their descent down the stairs and toward their embarrassed friend.

There was no doubt this was going to be awkward.

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