Jail Sex

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There was one thing for certain and that was, jail sucked.

Only a couple weeks before, Mark had been running around as a free man. Robbing places on the go and spending his 'winnings' on what he called essentials and yet, here he was. Stuck in a cell with nothing to stare at but the wall before him.

"Hey jailer! What's a man got to do to get some water around here?!"

Jack hunched up his shoulders and sighed heavily when he heard the man in the cell again call out to him, this had to be the sixth time this night and he hadn't even been in the prison a day.

Going over to the cell, Jack reluctantly handed him a small cup of water through the bars and the older man turned up his nose at it. "The fuck is this? I'm not a child ya know, I can't survive on one piddly-ass cup of water"

The Irishman glared at him and clutched the glass a little bit harder, surprised that he didn't smash it with how tight his grip was. He thrust his arm further in as a way to tell Mark to take it and the man did as he was told, taking the cup but still looking at it with disgust.

"I think it's disgraceful how you treat your prisoners, no respect at all. You might as well kill us"

Jack was tempted to reply but kept his mouth sealed shut, knowing he wasn't meant to make communication with the prisoners.

"Aww come on, don't leave me in silence. I'm already bored as it is in this dungeon, at least talk to me" Again, the younger man made no effort to speak and instead stared out at the door in front of him, not giving Mark the satisfaction of being acknowledged.

Huffing to himself, the American sat himself down on the floor and began to tap the now empty glass off the floor, creating an annoying sound that echoed through the dungeon. Causing Jack to get pissed off.

"Can ya please stop that? Fer fuck's sake, what is wrong with ya?"

Smirking at the Irishman, Mark stopped with his tapping and placed the cup to the side. "What's wrong with me? How about the fact I'm fucking trapped in a jail cell with the world's hottest jailer who won't even pay me the light of day? That's what is wrong with me"

Jack blushed slightly when he heard him call him hot, that was something he'd definitely not expected to hear while guarding tonight. "Can you please just talk to me? Being here is so boring and you're my only sense of entertainment" Turning his head to look at him, the Irishman felt compelled to know what he meant by 'entertainment'.

"Last time I checked, I didn't take this job t' entertain prisoners. My job is t' make sure ya don't escape and yet, yer makin' it fuckin' difficult" Again, the man smirked when he heard him reply and saw how angry he was getting. "Hey, count yourself lucky. At least I find you cute"

Breathing out hard through his nose, Jack glared at him since he wasn't enjoying being flirted with. "Can yeh cut that out?" Mark grinned, moving closer to the bars of his cell. "Cut what out?" The younger man moved closer too, his teeth gritted.

"Cut out flirtin' with me"

Mark pouted and raised his eyebrows, a smug expression on his face. "Who ever said I was flirting with you? Something tells me I'm not the only one interested here"

Letting out an exasperated groan of frustration, Jack felt like the only way he was going to shut this idiot up would be to knock him out. "I swear t' god. If yeh don't shut yer mouth, I'm gonna come in there and shut it fer ya" Grinning, Mark leaned as close as he could to the bars.

"Do it. I fucking dare you."

Seeing red, Jack grabbed the keys for the cell and unlocked it, barging inside much to Mark's satisfaction as the Irishman scowled at him, his face flushed with both embarrassment and anger.

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