Teach Me

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Climbing onto the bed where Mark sat, reading a book. Jack lay himself down and rested his head on the older man's lap, looking up at him with a smile while Mark himself stared down, confused at his lover's odd behaviour.

"Can I help you?"

The younger man giggled, shuffling so that he was closer to him. "Can yeh teach me about engineerin'? I'm kinda curious t' know" Mark put his book down and sighed softly, still confused.

"This isn't some kind of plot to get you on my good side is it?" Jack immediately shook his head, an innocent expression on his face as he carried on grinning, the American rolled his eyes and ran one of his hands through Jack's hair, still not convinced but thinking that he might as well tell him a thing or two.

Carrying on playing with his hair, Mark tried to think of facts that would actually be interesting and of course understandable for the Irishman. "Um. Do you know that that the word engineer, comes from the Latin word meaning 'cleverness'?"

Jack nodded his head, looking impressed. "Oh teach me more, great teacher of mine" The older man chuckled, thinking again while the other man stared at him expectantly, his bright blue eyes staring up at him with almost a kind of admiration.

"Do you know that uh, engineers solve problems by applying mathematical and scientific knowledge?"

Nodding his head again, the Irishman felt himself getting slightly bored and moved ever so closer to his lover, nuzzling his head into the flat of his belly. "I kinda like seein' ya as my teacher, makes the facts so much more interestin'" Jack purred, a smirk on his face.

The older man looked down at his boyfriend with raised eyebrows at what he said and suddenly, an idea came to his head and a devious smirk appeared on his lips. "You like me being your teacher huh? Where's your homework when I need it, McLoughlin?"

Laughing at him since he couldn't have ruined the moment more, Jack sat up and adjusted himself so that he was on all fours in front of Mark, body leaning in toward him. "I might need some persuasion sir, care t' tutor me?" Seeing the pure arousal in his lover's eyes, Mark couldn't resist to say yes.

"Okay then, how should I persuade you then?" The Irishman leaned in closer and moved so that his lips were directly against his ear, kissing the lobe sweetly while he grinned away to himself. "Surprise me.."

Chuckling at him, Mark was quick to move and expertly pinned the younger man down on the bed in one swift action, Jack shocked and attempting to escape his grasp but to no avail. "A naughty student like you, should be punished.." Hearing those words caused shivers to travel through Jack, a lump forming in his throat as he stared up at Mark.

One of Mark's hands slid downward toward his crotch and began to rub, earning small moans from the supposed student beneath him. "S-sir.. I'm not too sure this is how ya punish studen–" His words were cut off by the older man's other hand covering his mouth, silencing him.

"I'm no ordinary teacher.. And a simple detention won't make you learn. I'm gonna have to do something more drastic"

And with that, Mark swooped down and latched himself onto Jack's neck, the Irishman calling out with the pleasure that sprung from the bites and sucks caused by the other man. "I'm so bad.. I'm such a bad student.."

His voice was muffled by the hand covering his mouth and yet, his moans were perfectly audible as the American continued to rub harshly against the bulge in Jack's jeans, his teeth nipping rough and harsh to cause soft blemishes to appear on the younger man's pale skin.

"Gonna make you see the error of your ways, you naughty fucking boy" Jack nearly came hearing his boyfriend speak to him like that, his voice so serious and yet so seductive at the same time.

Mark harshened the strokes against the Irishman's groin and he could feel him getting harder by the second, Jack himself moaning continuously regardless of his mouth being covered by the other man's hand. Already he was close and it didn't help that Mark kept whispering dirty shit in his ear.

"M-Mark.. I.. St-stop.."

A smirk appeared on the older man's face and he lifted his head for a moment to stare down at his lover's face. "Stop what? Are you close, naughty boy?" He nodded, his breath hitching when Mark squeezed his crotch and caused shivers of arousal to travel fast into his cock.

The American lowered his head again and continued to suck hickeys onto the sweet flesh of the younger man's neck, nipping hard and listening to the luscious sounds that practically came flowing from Jack's mouth. He didn't even have to do anything and he was already making Mark hard.

"I'm.. I'm.. ah.." Jack shivered violently and swallowed thickly, the lump still prominently there as Mark shifted again to look at him, his eyes filled with admiration as the Irishman found himself unable to maintain control.

"Go on. Come for me. I know you want to. Naughty boy."

Those last few words had heat pooling thick in Jack's lower abdomen and before he knew it, he was coming hard and thick in his pants. His moans harsh and loud even if muffled and Jack had a hard time keeping his eyes open with the pleasure that came from his orgasm.

Slowly, Mark removed his hand away from the younger man's mouth and he was allowed to breath properly for the first time in a while. He looked up at his boyfriend with a dazed expression and smiled at him, Mark stroking his cheek while he carefully sat up, limbs shaking.

"Guess it's time I paid ya back, teacher.."

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