that awkward moment when your crush asks you who your crush is

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The next morning, my brothers were badgering me to tell them who I was dating. I told them they could shove it up their butts. I guess that's what I get for having three brothers.

The day passed by in a daze, I was just excited for Wednesday when we were all free from this prison.

"Hey guys, who are you working with for your term projects?" I asked the table.

"John and I are working on econ." Nicole frowned.

"Really?" I felt kind of bad for their project.

"We were assigned partners." That sucks.

"Me and Stella are doing a psych project." Taylor said.

Hmm, I wondered how that would work out, Jesse had used Taylor to get to Stella. But I bet Stella didn't know that.

"Can't wait to stay up all night and finish them. It's gonna be so fun." It was tradition for all students to spend the whole night working on term projects the Monday after Thanksgiving. It was supposed to be productive work but nobody took it seriously.

"Who are you working with?" Taylor asked.

"Roan and I are doing bio."

From the corner of my eye, I saw Stella grin to herself.

There was a surprise waiting for me when I got to gym class.

Winter, Owen, and Finn were standing in the gym, harassing some of the freshmen. I would say "poor freshmen" but I didn't really feel bad for them.

"What are you doing in my gym class?" I practically shrieked. Didn't they have better things to do?

"What does it look like? We're gonna join you for today!" Owen said enthusiastically and I groaned.

"How did you know what class I had?" I realized immediately after I asked them.

"Stella." All four of us answered. No doubt Stella told them to make my life chaotic.

"Well, what do you want? I'm pretty sure Ms. Ham will kick you out." She was mean like that.

"Are you kidding? She loves me." Winter said and I do remember how he was her favorite. Only because he actually participated while everyone else just stood around. It kind of came in handy because Ms. Ham didn't fully hate me since I was related to him.

"Here she comes," I hummed.

"Hey, Ms. Ham! Nice to see you again," Winter smiled, and Owen and Finn followed his lead.

"We're just visiting the school where we grew up," Owen explained and Finn coughed since he'd never actually set foot in the high school before, "Excuse me, Winter and I, grew up,"

"How nice." Ms. Ham actually smiled.

"We won't disturb you or your class, we promise. We just want to watch."

"You can stay but you have to sit in the bleachers."

"That's fine, thanks, Ms. Ham." Winter thanked and all three of them sat down on the side.

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