One Shot - Dean Winchester (2)

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Dean Finds You Crying

You were currently hunched over in the corner of your and Dean's shared flat. You had fought earlier; there had been a lot of cursing and screaming, it definitely didn't end nicely.

The tears streaked your cold cheeks as you kept going over the situation, thinking about everything you should have done better. The only reason you two were fighting was because he was worried about you, you shouldn't have been so harsh... But it was too late now. 

For all you know, you could have just lost the love of your life, he could be long gone now. Maybe he's drinking his sorrows out again, maybe seducing a pretty young blonde.

Dean had never cheated on you, at least not that you had known of. But the fear always lingered, he just seemed like the type to do so. You couldn't shake the thought away, it was an everlasting nightmare of guessing what he was up to, who he was with.

You had stopped sobbing, the storm was over. The remains of the storm had left you shattered and beaten, hiccups slowly erupted from your parted lips. The cold nipped at your skin comfortably, showing you that you weren't completely numb.

The door to your flat creaked open from the room over. You became extremely quiet as you listened to whom it was. It could be Dean, or it could be an angry something trying to get at you. 

You strained your ears to listen to the noise as you heard an outtake of someone drunk and angry. Must be Dean.

You sighed in relief as you stuffed your face into your arms, still upset from the previous events. Shuffling from the door made you perk up again, wanting to see Dean's initial reaction.

"Look, Y/N, I'm so-", Dean began as he trudged into the room, soon enough taking a quick glance over at your frail stature. "Oh, Y/N..."

He rushed over to your side before embracing you in a warm embrace, you began to sob again as he held you close, stroking your hair comfortingly as he picked you up and sat you down on the fluffy bed. "D- Dean..." You cried out into his shoulder, feeling his shoulder progressively getting damper.

"I'm so sorry Y/N, I never meant for this to happen... please, don't cry."

You sat like this for who-knows-how long. Him holding you, You clutching onto him. After a while, you loosened up a bit, sleep soon jading the world around you. 

Before you fell into the familiar drowsy state, you could hear Dean say, "I love you, Y/N..."


You slept soundly that night. There was still unfinished business that needed to be dealt with, but you could always talk about it the next day. It was nice being held by the man you love, the person you could always count on. Even when times got tough, you knew he would always be back for you.


Sorry for the lack of updates, I've been busy with school lately.. I'll be updated a lot more soon!

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