Chapter 7 - Charlie Learns the Truth.

Start from the beginning

"Nice to meet all of you. Now I get the feeling there is a long story here that I feel I should know about." Charlie said, the others in the room realised that he was very perceptive. Charlie had noticed how Raphael moved onto his lap and snuggled into his chest so he wrapped his arms around his smaller mate.

"Well it started 11 years ago. Lily and James Potter were not killed by Tom Riddle they were killed by Albus Dumbledore. Lily and James had been put under memory charms and were in fact dark, when Albus found out he killed them and placed the blame on the dark lord." Fred started.

"Harry Potter was placed with muggle relatives named Petunia Dursley the sister of Lily Potter, Vernon Dursley who was her husband and their son Dudley. They were abusive to Harry, they made him sleep in a cupboard, they didn't tell him name for many years, they only gave him scraps of food and sometimes beat him when he displayed magic." George continued.

"Turns out Harry Potter was being betrayed by those closest to him as well. Dumbledore was paying Ron, Ginny, Hermione, Molly and Arthur to be his friends as well as paying the Dursley's to beat him, Dumbledore was stealing from Harry and using this money to pay them, he killed the Potter's and he faked the whole Prophecy." Bill said, at this Charlie was shocked.

"Yeah the Prophecy was fake, he knew he was the one to  create the dark lord and he was placing the task of killing him on a child, then he would take the credit. Dumbledore found me in an orphanage where I was abused and bullied, he made sure I found the information on Horcrux's. He wanted me to become a dark lord." Tom said with a sneer.

"But Harry had been thinking things through and the light was revealing there secrets to him without them even knowing it. What he heard about his friends betrayal tipped him over the edge, but it was something more that made him see the truth." Percy continued.

"You see Severus and I had a son born to us years ago, but he was stolen. We always knew it was Dumbledore and the light he thought the child was too powerful and needed to be under his control. He then modified the memories of all those who knew about him as well as those on the light to make the fake seem real, he planted fake memories that made it seem like me and Severus hated one another. It was when the memories started breaking that we all learned the truth." Tom said.

"I went to Gringott's and learned many things, I had spells and potions in me and on me, my magic was bound as was my inheritance. But I learned the truth, Harry Potter and Raphael Riddle are the same person." Raphael said, not wanting to look at his mate.

"So there is still going to be a war between the light and the dark, but there will be no Harry Potter verses Voldemort?" Charlie asked, tightening his hold on his mate letting him know this would not change a thing.

"Yes, there is a true prophecy about Raphael that states when he learns the truth and joins we will be unstoppable, and that when he finds his mate they will inseparable." Severus said.

"Well this is going to make life more then interesting." Charlie said with a smile. This caused Raphael to look up at his mate.

"So your not going to leave me?" Raphael asked.

"Of course not, I have been waiting for you for a long time I am not going to leave you just because you were once another person. You are the real you now, and I wouldn't change that." Charlie said making his mate blush and the others in the room to awe at the sight.

"Now boys and girls you all have a choice now of what you want to do. You can go back to Hogwarts and pretend that you are still on the light, or you can go to Durmstrang where you can be yourselves." Tom said. Hogwarts was over for the year and it was time for the children to make up their minds.

"I don't want to go back to that place until the final battle, but I also do not want to leave you all either." Raphael said.

"You won't have to Raphael. Tom, Sirius, Remus, Bill, Lucius, Bella, Rodo, Charlie and I are all going to be working at the school. You, Fred, George, Percy, Cedric, Oliver, Luna, Marcus, Draco, Theo and Blaise will be going there as students." Severus explained.

"How on Earth did you manage that?" Raphael asked shocked.

"Well the headmaster is a follower of mine so I made, he felt quite honoured that we would be housed in his school." Tom said with a smirk.

"So I won't have to go back to that school?" Raphael asked smiling, but frowned when he saw the look on his fathers face.

"That was the downside to the agreement. He would only allow us into the school now if we would go to Hogwarts for a couple of weeks later in the year. There is a programme half way through the year where a group of students goes to another school for a few weeks with their teachers. He knows how powerful you all are so he wants us to go and show of for him." Tom said, he was expecting to see the sadness but the boy only smirked.

"Oh this is great, we get to torture all of those people and they can do nothing about it. And it will also give us all a chance to know the layout of Hogwarts so we know the weaknesses for the battle." Raphael said, and now that Tom thought about it he knew the boy was right.

"Well done my son." Tom and Severus said at the same time.

"What about us, we will go to Durmstrang as we are and will not use glamour's but those in Hogwarts will know who we are." Fred said, the others nodding.

"Then let them recognise you all, I am too changed to be recognised I want to save my identity for the final battle. I think you should all show them that you no longer care for them and that you are living your own lives." Raphael said, making the others in the room smile at his cunning.

"You should have been in Slytherin Raphael." Draco said with a smile.

"I was meant to, the hat wanted to place me there. But me being a muggle child just coming into the wizarding world I believed Ron, Hagrid and Hermione about Slytherin's being evil. When I learned father was in Slytherin I told the hat to place me in Gryffindor." Raphael explained.

"A snake in lions clothing." Blaise said with a smile.

"Okay enough it has been an exciting day. All of you rest up as tomorrow we are packing to leave for Bulgaria. Charlie you will be sharing with Raphael but I don't want any funny business yet, you will be bonded in a couple of months you can do it then." Severus said, the two boys nodding.

They were going to get to know one another before they did any of that, all of the couples in the room were already bonded as the bracelets on all of their arms showed. Marcus and Luna were bonded only a couple of weeks after finding one another, Raphael and Charlie wanted to wait a couple of months.

They did as they were told and for once Raphael had something to snuggle into as he slept.

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