"He wanted to have lunch before I leave on Monday."

"Oh? And what did you say?" I try to pull away so I can concentrate on something else, rather than the movement of his lips on my skin. He doesn't let me though.

"Yes." I say a little louder than necessary as he kisses a pattern on my neck. "Me, Cate and a few other people are going to be there. No need to go all caveman on me." He only chuckles at me. "Zayn" I groan. In my head I finished that sentence with- Zayn, let me go. But in reality I just moaned his name.

No communication from my brain to my mouth. None whatsoever.

"Good. I'll meet all your friends then." He smiles as he finally lets me go, as if he didn't just make me lose my mind. I give him a look. "You didn't think I'll let you go alone did you? Besides it's supposed to be our time." He's so cute. "And if that Bastard thinks he'll have another go at my girl. He's got another thing coming." Not so cute then.

I hum as I pull his face down to mine, connecting our lips for the first time this morning. He tastes minty. I deepen the kiss and he lets me take control as I explore his mouth. It only lasts a few seconds before he's back in control, intensifying the kiss as he goes. He grabs my butt under my shirt as he pulls me even closer. This kiss goes on for a while... a long while and it's getting hotter by the second. Zayn finally pulls away.

"I could kiss you all day." we say at the same time. I blink at him before laughing and he just smirks at me.

"You're so lame." I tell him jokingly.

"We're one of those couples now, aren't we?" he shakes his head as I laugh, nodding my head.

"You're also one of those couples who hump each other on every surface. Forgetting that one of you has a roommate who could walk in at any time." Cate says from somewhere behind me. "and half your butt is sticking out Mel"

"Shut up, it's not like you haven't seen it before." I turn and roll my eyes at her. "Besides it's covered in underwear."

"Not to mention Zayn's hand." She says as she heads to the kitchen. "I'm guessing Zayn's tongue made you forget about the coffee in here also."

"Gosh you're so crass sometimes." I stand up and Zayn follows behind.

"It wasn't me who made her forget. It was Trevor. She even burned her hand talking to him." he says with a pout. I can't help but kiss his him softly. He's so hot when he's playful and sulky.

"Stop being such a baby. I'm going to change your caller ID to caveman. I promise."

"You wouldn't dare."

"Try me." Cate clears her throat.

"So what did Trevor say?"

"He wants to have a going away lunch for me tomorrow." She nods her head.

"Oh yeah he told me. So it's us, Trevor, Luke, Carla, Ana and Nathan?"

"I have no idea. I'm just bringing myself and Zayn." I shrug. She nods again then carries on making herself coffee.

Zayn suddenly picks me up, and carries me to my room. "What is wrong with you?" I scream out of fright. He chuckles as he closes the door with his foot. He throws me on the bed before climbing up and hovering above me.

"First, I'm going to kiss you, long and hard. Then we're going to shower. Then we're going out for some food."

"Together?" I ask and he laughs at me. He knows I'm referring to the shower.

"No." he says and to be honest I'm surprised. "I won't test the limit of my self-control on you today." I roll my eyes at him as he lowers his face. "Now, how about that kiss?"

After his promised kiss, we both head to the shower, separately. We quickly dress and soon, we're out of the door. He takes my hand as we walk to the nearest restaurant. He looks good in his black pants and long-sleeved white shirt, with something written in Urdu on it. I'm dressed in a white dress, that reaches my middle thigh with a blue belt in the middle. Soon we're seated on one of the tables outside facing each other. But Zayn being the caveman that he is, moves his chair so that he's sitting next to me.

"You know we wouldn't die if we didn't touch for like 30 minutes." I say jokingly as he drapes his arm over me.

"We might who knows?" He shrugs with a smirk. "Besides I'm telling all these other guys that you're mine. Don't want them thinking they have a chance."

"What if they do?" I ask sweetly and he narrows his eyes at me. "Oh that reminds me." I laugh as I pull out my phone. I quickly change his name from Zayn to Caveman. He tries to take my phone but I pull it away from him laughing. He laughs as he tries to take it again. "I told you I would" He catches me off-guard as he snatches the phone from me. He types something and hands me back the phone. "What did you do caveman?"

"Nothing" he laughs. "Keep calling me that and I'll show you what a caveman really is."

"OH should I be scared Mr. Caveman Malik?" I ask in a teasing voice. He moves his face closer to mine and I move back, thinking he's going to kiss me but he heads for my ear.

"If I really were a caveman, I would rip that tight little fabric of your body. Pin you down on this table, and fuck you for everyone to see. I'd fuck you so hard, you won't be able to move for a week." he says hoarsely as my face heats up. I almost choke and he laughs lowly against my ear. "Don't test me Mel" he says.

I'm shocked into silence. I literally have nothing to say. I don't know whether I'm turned on or just plain mortified. Luckily the waiter comes and we order our food. I'm so quiet Zayn begins to laugh again.

"Don't look so amused. Gosh who knew you were this crass." Our food arrives and we eat while making conversation. After a while I feel him staring at me. "What?" I ask. He chuckles as he grabs my chin with his free hand.

"You have a little something there." He says before kissing the corner of mouth. Apparently I have something on my lips too because he plants his lips against mine. PDA makes me uncomfortable so I try to move back but he holds me still. He pecks me three more times before moving back with a smirk.

"Did my mouth have something too?" I ask as a few people stop looking at us.

"Couldn't help it." He shrugs as he goes back to eating. We finish up and we decide to walk around and "Explore" for a while. I'm glad I have him all to myself today. Not once does he let go of my hand and not once do we run out of things to talk about. I feel so comfortable. Everything about him feels right. It feels as if I'm where I'm supposed to be. Where I need to be.

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