Chapter 14

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     We were driving back to the church when everything started to crumble. I was already worried enough about Arabella's wedding dress that there was more to add to my stress when Arabella called.

"Hey, where are you and Harry?" Arabella asked in a worried tone through the phone.

"Umm... we just wanted to get away for a bit. I mean, we had an hour to ourselves." I explained, unsure about what I said.

"Why? We would've had you two occupied if you stayed here." She said slightly offended.

I could tell that something was off about her and I needed to ask. "Arabella, is everything okay?"

"No, everything is not okay! The DJ just cancelled and Cindy was supposed to bring me my dress!"

"Well, we know about Cindy." I said to myself.

"What?" Arabella questioned.

"Uh... I said that Cindy couldn't make it so she asked for us to get your dress so that's why we went out."

"Okay, well hurry back! We're about to start."

"Alright. Goodbye." I then ended the call and looked at Harry.

He smiled. "Well, this was fun."


The day had finally arrived. My best friend was getting married. I drove with her to the church to help her get ready. I almost teared up as I saw Arabella standing there with her wedding dress on, looking at herself in the long mirror.

She noticed me looking. "What?"

"Y-you're just... I'm just so happy for you, Arabella."

She smiled at me and extended her hand for me to take and I did. I stood next to her and we both looked at ourselves in the mirror. She rested her head on my shoulder.

"I've waited my whole life for this. Not only would I be marrying the love of my life, but I'd get to see my best friend as my maid of honor standing next to me."

I looked at Arabella and hugged her.

This was definitely a moment I would remember for the rest of my life.


It was beautiful, like a fairytale. My best friend was right in front of me about to marry the man of her dreams, and I was standing right next to her. I could tell that Harry was feeling the same way I did right now. Our best friends were going to marry each other and we were happy as can be.

Finally, the pastor says what we've been all dying to here, "Do you, Zayn, take Arabella to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

Zayn grinned at Arabella. "I do."

"And do you, Arabella, take Zayn to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

Arabella was tearing up a bit with happiness. "I do."

I felt the tears coming to my eyes.

"By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. Zayn, you may kiss the bride."

They shared a kiss and everyone stood up and applauded. My best friend was now Arabella Malik and I couldn't be happier.

~ GUESS WHO'S BACK?!? BACK AGAIN?!?! WITH A SHORT CHAPTER!! I'm so so so so SO SO SO SO SO SORRY GUYS! I LITERALLY brain farted and could not think of any ideas for this chapter. So I just decided to end it in the next couple of chapters because I've had the ending planned for so long but I couldn't think of an idea for this chapter. Soooo I'm gonna finish this story today... sorry this chapter sucks I just want to finish this story ~

The Worst Best Man | h.s. fanfictionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz