Chapter 10

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It's been a really shitty couple of days for me. Ever since I lashed out on Harry, I haven't spoken to him since. I've been in such a bad mood and I pretty much haven't gone anywhere. I've just stayed at Arabella and Zayn's place and watched romantic comedies. Even though the movie was supposed to be funny, I would cry.

"YOU'RE SO DUMB! WHY WOULD YOU KISS THE ONE YOU LOVE'S BROTHER?!" I exclaimed at the television as I stuffed my mouth with ice cream.

At that moment, Arabella had came through the door. "Hey, Avery— what the hell happened to you?!"

She immediately rushed over to me with a worried look on her face. I frowned at her.

"Welcome home."

Arabella sighed and sat down next to me on the couch. "What's wrong with you?"

I slowly turned my head towards her with a deadly glare on my face. "What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you?! What were you thinking leaving Harry and I at the gym alone?!"

Arabella hesitated and then gave in. "Zayn and I just wanted you guys to actually like each other."

"Well, now things are worse between us! We haven't even spoken to each other in several days." I informed her.

"I'm sorry, okay? I just don't understand. You guys were fine a couple days ago." Arabella said with a confused look on her face.

"I lashed out on him because I felt like he was toying with my emotions. They're like all over the place when I'm with him, and it pisses me off." I explained as I crossed my arms over my chest.

Suddenly, a smirk formed on Arabella's face. I furrowed my eyebrows at her.


"You're in love with Harry."

My eyes widened at her response. "No I do not! Where did you get that idea?!"

"Oh my gosh, you're crazy about him!" She said jumping up off the couch.

"Arabella!" I yelled also jumping up off the couch.

"Avery, it's so obvious! You're emotions are all over the place when you're with him. You love him. You got to tell him!"

"What? No! I mean... what makes you think that I could be in love with him?" I questioned her as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Alright, who was there for you when Liam didn't show up to your date with him?" She asked putting her hands on her hips.

"Harry." I stated.

"What happened when you tried to 'calm him down'"

"We kissed."

"And who taught you how to dance?"


"So, Avery, how do you really feel about Harry?"

"I love him."

My eyes widened in shock at the words that just came out of my mouth. I looked at Arabella and saw that she was nodding her head while grinning. Oh my gosh, I was in love with Harry Styles.

"Zayn and I are inviting everyone to come dancing with us. Come. You can tell him there." Arabella told me before walking upstairs and out of my sight. I slumped back down on the couch bewildered.

Was I actually in love with him?


Later that day, it was nighttime when I went to the school gymnasium. Turns out the reason why Zayn and Arabella were at the gym a couple days ago was to set up for this. A dance party where they first met, how lovely.

I was also going to tell Harry how I fell about him tonight. It's just kind of weird for me to do. I'd never imagine me in a situation like this. Usually I'd tell him that I hate him, not that I love him. How was I even going to tell him?

I went inside and tried to find Arabella. Once I found her, she smiled at me and told me where Harry was. I was shaking. Why was I shaking? I was going to confess my love to someone that I've hated for years. Gosh, why did that sound so cheesy?

As I got closer and closer to where Harry was, my heart pounded faster. This was it. I was going to do it. Here goes nothing! As I turned the corner, I saw something that I didn't imagine seeing at all. Harry with another girl.

My heart sank and broke into a million tiny little pieces. I felt like I had been stabbed in the heart. I slowly walked away, trying to hold back the tears. He wasn't worth my tears, he wasn't worth anything. He broke me.

I then exited the school and stood in front of the entrance. Tears started to roll down my cheeks, but I quickly wiped them away. Why did this happen? Maybe we were just never meant to be. At that moment, I heard footsteps coming towards me. A pair of feet stopped in front of me. I looked up at the person and just looked back down again and sighed.

"Hey, Liam."

"Is there a reason why you're out here all by yourself when there's a party going on inside?" He asked as he stood next to me, shoving his hands in his pockets.

I shrugged. "I wasn't feeling it."

"That's because they haven't played any of the good songs yet. Come on." He said as he extended his hand for me to grab.

I smiled before taking his hand. "I was actually recently taught how to dance."

"Really? I'll believe it when I see it." Liam said with a smirk as he took me back into the school.

~ Oops, this is not what we were all looking forward to :( don't worry y'all, just trying to build suspense ;) I was told to update so many times that I finally thought of something and here it is! Again, updates are gonna be slow cuz school sucks :P ~

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