Chapter 7

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    I've stalked the hell out of this Cindy Barker bitch. She's in her mid 30's, is single (not surprising), and still teaches at the same college. They haven't caught this woman yet?! Well, that's all about to change.

I drove to the school and there was a bunch of students on campus. So that means maybe I could actually talk to Cindy and beat her without anyone seeing if they're all outside.

Luckily, I remembered which classroom was hers so I went straight to it, but the classroom was empty. I saw some student pass by me and I asked them where she was. They said she was in room 235. After what felt like hours of trying to find the room, I finally found it and I saw the most disgusting thing in the freaking world.

As I got closer to the room, I heard moaning and thudding. I stopped and prayed for a moment. I prayed that those noises were not what I thought it was.

Unfortunately, it was.

Cindy Barker and some random student, butt ass naked, hardcore banging each other.

I had to wash my eyes out with bleach after this.

I took a peek and yup, they were doing, and I wanted to kill myself. Suddenly, a brilliant idea popped in my head. I went to find the chancellor's office and ran in frantically.


The chancellor quickly sprang out of his chair and dashed out of his office. I smirked as I skipped over to the chancellor's desk and sat in his chair. I propped my feet up on the desk, grabbed the intercom microphone and pressed the button to make an announcement.

"Attention ladies and gentlemen, just wanted to make an important announcement that the Cindy Barker hanky panky show is in room 235. Have a nice day!"

I then put down the microphone and quickly ran back to room 235 and once I got there, security guards were chasing after the random student Cindy shagged. I also saw Cindy literally getting kicked out, using her wadded up clothes to shield her nude body. I smirked as I skipped over to her.

"Well, well, well, Professor Barker. What did you teach about today? Sex ed? Because your presentation is just outstanding!"

She glared at me. "You did this!"

"Actually, you did this to yourself. Have a great life, Cindy!"

She growled at me with anger and tried to run past me, but I stopped her. I took her clothes from her hands saying, "I'll be taking these."

She then tried to cover her fully exposed naked body with her hands, making me laugh.

"By the way, Harry Styles says hello." I said with a wink before walking off.

I heard her scream from behind me which made me laugh even harder. The bitch got what she deserved.


    I knocked on the door a couple of times as I waited for it to be opened. Once it did, a confused Harry stood there looking at me. I had a smug grin on my face as I held Cindy's clothes in my hands.

"Avery? What are you—" I immediately cut him off by walking straight past him and into the house.

He closed the door and turned around to face me. I then dropped the pile of clothes on a table and smiled triumphantly.

"I did a good deed."

"Did you now?" He questioned as he walked over to me and looked at the pile of clothes.

"You're probably going to be pissed, but I don't care." I said as I got out my phone and pulled up the video that someone posted of Cindy running around campus naked.

I showed it to him and he squinted his eyes as he watched it. His eyes then widened in realization. "Is that Professor Barker?"

"Yup. Well, not professor anymore. She was fired."

"What?!" Harry said with shock.

"Yes, I went to your college and got her fired! But Harry, the things I've seen... It's just nasty." I said trying to shake that horrible image out of my head.

"And the clothes?"

"She got kicked out and she didn't have time to change, so she used her clothes to just shield her body. But, I took the clothes from her and she ran around campus completely naked." I explained.

We both then started to laugh really hard. Once the laughing dialed down, we looked at each other and smiled.

"You know, maybe we should try out this whole friend thing." I told him, grinning.

"Yes, because friends make out with each other." Harry sarcastically remarked.

I glared at him. "Let's just forget about the whole kiss thing, it wasn't a big deal. From now on, we are officially friends."

Harry nodded in approval. "Friends."

~ SO I WAS LOOKING AT GIFS I SHOULD PUT FOR THIS CHAPTER AND I FOUND THIS BEAUTIFUL ONE OF HARRY AND I WAS FLIPPING OUT IT WAS GORGEOUS! So I used it above XD I FRICKEN love long haired Harry that was my fav. Most people like 2013 and I'm like GIRL, 2014-2015 WAS BAE! ~

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