Chapter 1: the sacred shrine

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in a small yellow house in Japan lived three siblings, a mother, and a grandfather..

the oldest daughter was named Saki.. she was nineteen and still lived with her mother, sister, and young brother..

the second eldest daughter was named Kagome, she was 15 and took great responsibility in learning and doing as she was told..

the youngest of both siblings was Sota, he was around eight years old and a little shy but very down to earth and loved to know things..

then there was their mother and grandfather.

their mother was very loving and kind, she always wished for her children's happiness and would always be there for them.

their grandfather, however, he cared about his family, yes, but he was much interested in ancient curses and items, needless to say, he loved folklore.

I'm Saki, and the true story is, I'm actually moving back in with my family, I got laid off from my job and lost my apartment.

the huge boxes in my arms nearly touched the ceiling as I pushed the door open with my foot..

"I'm bringing some stuff inside Mom!" I shout.

"Alright, dear! but don't stress yourself! most of it can be taken care of later!" she shouted back kindly from the kitchen.

my eyes were open wide as I tried stepping forward without tripping..

"Meow.." buyo rubbed against my leg.

I lost my balance and fell..

the boxes went flying and crashed onto the floor..

"buyo!" I raised my voice non-angrily but exhaled in frustration.

"thankfully those boxes didn't have any fragile items in them.." I muttered.

I ultimately cleaned up the mess and took everything I dropped to my old room..

afterward, I joined Mom in the kitchen..

"Mom, I'm sorry I had to move back in." I happily but with guilt said to her.

"don't be besides, Kagome is super excited that her older sister is finally back, she can't wait to spend time with you." my mother smiled with joy.

I grin in memory and look down at the floor.

"Indeed, it's nice to have you back Saki." my grandfather added.

I look up at him, "Thanks, Grandpa.." I smile and put my hand up.

"Now when are you going to have me some great-grandchildren?" he replied funnily.

I gaped at him in shock and embarrassment..

"oh Dad, she's only nineteen." my mother muttered in the background.

I could barely hear her because my ears became muffled from my grandfather's comment..

Time Skip>

throughout the day I had finally brought in all of my stuff, and it was early in the afternoon.

"Kagome and Sota should be back from school soon, they'll be so happy to see you," Mom commented as we sat around the table.

I was a little down, but thinking of them coming home cheered me up greatly.

suddenly Kagome bursts through the door..

she seemed irritated and threw down her bag..

I stared at her with concern, "Kagome? I'm home and I'm making Dango." I cheerfully stated.

she moves her head and looks over, she had a funny but disturbing look on her face.

it suddenly brightened, "great! I'll go get ready!" she smiled and jumped, then ran to her room.

I watched in confusion..

Sota pops in soon after, "Hey Saki! You're here!" he peeks in from the doorway while holding the knob.

he walks inside, "don't worry, Kagome just had a rough day today, she kinda flunked a test." he adds with a tone of sympathy.

Sota went off to his room, and about thirty seconds later Kagome comes running back in.

she plops down beside me facing Grandpa on the other end..

she closes her eyes and wiggles her arms, "I'm here Saki! Now where's that Dango?!" she swayed back and forth happily.

I exhaled and giggled under my breath.

Kagome loves my Dango, I used to make it all the time when we were younger.

she sort of looks up to me..

Short time skip>

Kagome picked up a stick and took a big bite of strawberry Dango, she seemed to dull everything out and only focused on that.

I didn't mind, I just watched her and smiled.

after dinner and a snack, Kagome and I piled up in her bedroom.

I laid on my back on her bed and played with my t-shirt.

she sat in her desk chair and stared at me with a big smile.

"so Saki, does it feel nice to be with everyone again?" she asks curiously.

I stayed silent a moment and stared at the ceiling..

"Hmm," she mumbled to herself in confusion.

"of course, in fact, I don't feel so scared and unsure like I was before, I guess I just belong here," I reply softly.

as I messed with my black shirt, I felt a small hard lump on the right side of my abdomen.

"What is this?" I said to myself.

"what's what?" she replies.

"the little lump I feel on my abdomen.." I lean up and I lift my shirt slightly and point.

"you have one too?!" she blurts out.

"what do you mean?" I furrow my eyebrows.

she stands and lifts her pajama top to expose her belly, "I have one here on my abdomen too!" she points excitedly.

"hmm.." I think to myself.

"Maybe it means something, Grandpa has always talked about a sacred jewel that was once whole but was split in two long ago in ancient times, he says the legend is one half was sealed inside the body of a priestess and the other half-swallowed by a Demon." she proclaimed.

her story made me think..

"Maybe we're them!" she joked.

"but it's probably just another fairy tale he uses to scare us, I'm not sure what these things are, but they may go away soon," she assures.

late that night I was in bed, but awake and just gaped at the ceiling.

not too far from the house, the sacred well that was enclosed in a shelter, started glowing.

Kagome's older sister (Sesshomaru x OC)Where stories live. Discover now