Now You Know How I Felt

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Tumblr prompt- Hello! Can you write Zayn's reaction to all this narbara thing? Like, he's always feeling so bad for having to pretend he's dating Perrie, and he's so worried about Niall feeling insecure and left out because of it, but then, Niall gets a 'girlfriend' and Zayn is lost, feeling like he doesn't matter much to Niall anymore, because Niall didn't need a fake gf. Sorry about all this drama, but happy ending? THANK YOU

Zayn's Pov:

I never understood why Niall was so annoyed. I mean I did what I had to. I had no choice but to date Perrie, Well fake date her anyway. Niall would always look miserable, He'd lower his head when she was mentioned in interviews. He'd change the subject when I was asked about her. I never felt good about being with her, I knew I was hurting Niall more then he'd ever admit but I always made sure to tell him just  how much he means to me. Everytime I'd go to be with her for a new picture I'd worry about how he's feeling, Worried that he's thinking bad of himself. Niall's always been insecure, He takes comments to heart, Let's them affect him. So when he see's a comment from someone saying how adorable Perrie and I are, Well it hurts him. I try to do everything I can to assure him that he's the only one for me, But it dosen't always work, Sometimes I can't help but wonder if he doubts my love for him, And if he does what does that mean for us?

I couldn't believe my eyes when I logged onto the internet. Rumors were spreading that Niall was in a relationship, Of course there's always dating rumours spreading but this time it was different, This time there was pictures of him, With her. Pictures of Niall with Barbara. She's a model and she's stunning but why is Niall with her? Why are people saying the two of them are dating. Some of the pictures of them are blurry some are HD. Why wouldn't Niall tell me he was hanging out with her? Why would he let me find out like this? Questions were rushing in and out of my mind, All ending with the same word, Why. I read through all the articles online, Apparently the two of them are in a relationship but taking things slow because of the special love they have for eachother. Apparently she's already met Niall's family, I couldn't help the anger that spread through me, She's never met Niall's family, The only person who's met them as Niall's lover is me! I ended up ringing management to find out what was going on, Just as I suspected the whole thing was set up by management, But that still dosen't change the fact that Niall didn't tell me about this. 

He's not answering my calls, Or replying to my texts. He's been staying in a hotel in london so I haven't been able to see him. He's spending all his time with her, He's been taking her to shows, Going to parties with her. The smile on his face when she's around is so true and honest, My heart can't help but shatter when I see it. I'm starting to feel like he dosen't wanna be around me, Like he dosen't care anymore. Have I pushed him to the limit? Have I stood back and let the person I love fall out of love with me? Tears are falling from my eyes. I love Niall, I love him so much. I quickly wiped my eyes when the sound of the frontdoot opening filled my ears.

"Zayn you here?" Niall asked, He then walked into the living room. "Hey what're you doing in here? Zayn are you crying? What's happened?" Niall exclaimed as he quickly rushed over to me, I moved away from him. 

"Why didn't you tell me? Why didn't you tell me about you and her?" I asked, Niall shrugged. 

"Didn't think it mattered, It's exactly like you and Perrie, Fake and meaningless" Niall commented. 

"But I never kept it from you, The second management told me we were doing it, I came and I told you Niall! I never let you find out like this! You were with me, You were with me the very first day those pictures came out, The second the paparazzi left I came to you and held onto you!" I exclaimed.

"You still put me through it, You could have said no Zayn, The pain you felt when you saw those pictures is the same pain I felt when I see you with her, We both know it's fake but it still hurts not being able to tell people who you love" Niall stated. 

"I tell you everyday that I love you, You know it's you I wanna be with" I said, Niall smiled before nodding.

"It still hurts Zayn, You know it's fake but seeing the person you love holding someone else it's like a dagger straight through the hurt. Now you know I feel, You can tell me you love me and I know you do, But you can't tell other people, What kind of love is that?" Niall asked, I sighed.

"Why? Why did they do this?" I questioned.

"The fans were getting suspicious, I haven't had a girlfriend since the start, People were talking, Management saw and they wanted to put an end to it. They succeeded cause everyones talking about narbara" Niall explained.

" I hate that name, Much prefer Ziall" I said, Niall chuckled.

"So do I" 

"Niall I'm sorry, For all the pain and the hurt, You know I love and I never wanted to hurt you, If I did I'm sorry, You know I'd rather tell people were together, I'd rather everyone see our cute selfies, I'd rather hold your hand in public" I exclaimed, Niall smiled before nodding.

"I know, That's why it's all gonna fade away" I raised my eyebrow. "I told management I'm not gonna fake date her, People can talk but they'll never know. She's gonna fade away. I'd rather appear single in the public eye then say I'm with someone who's not you" Niall stated, I smiled before cupping his cheek.

"People will find out about us, I promise you that" I assured him, Niall kissed my lips. 

"I love you" Niall said, I pulled him against my chest before kissing his head. 

"I love you too" Just a little while longer then everyone can find out who I really love.

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