Blinded Kiss

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Tumblr Prompt: Hi my love, can you do this as a prompt please? Like Niall & Liam live together, but Zayn’s in love w/ Niall. & Niall thinks he might be in love with Zayn too. & Like one day Liam & Zayn were playing video games or something when  Niall went to buy groceries, & Liam has to go help Harry & Louis so he leaves Zayn at their place, & y’know…. Niall comes home, & woo woo. & Ending in Ziall being together. Make it loooong, Pleease? :)

Zayn's Pov:

Seeing someone you love living with someone else is like being kicked straight in the bollocks, You can't breathe because your wondering what there doing and when whatever there doing will end. For the past year and a half I've been harboring feelings, Feelings for someone I'm so close to, One of my best friends in the whole world Niall. He's amazing in everyway I could sit here and explain everything that's perfect about him but I'd be talking for years on end, You just can't help but love Niall, He's the carefree person everyone wishes to be and he's got one of the biggest hearts in the world, I've always hoped that one day he would allow me to own that beautiful big heart, But that's never going to happen, Niall's way to good for me and I know it, That's why when I see him with someone like Liam my heart just aches. Liam and Niall live together and I suppose I've always thought there's something more there, I don't hate Liam, Of course I don't, I'm just, Well jealous, I'm jealous that he lives with Niall, He gets to wake up every morning listening to Niall belt his heart out in the shower, He gets to lay out on the chair watching shitty telly with Niall, He gets to do everything with Niall that I want to, It's not fair, It's really not fair. 

Today I was over at Niall and Liam's place just having a chilled out day. We were currently laid out on the couch playing fifa, Honestly I only really came to see Niall but just my luck he's not home, I sighed as I looked around the room, Liam and Niall had a board up full of pictures of all us boys, I smiled as my eyes landed on a picture of Niall and I when we first met, My eyes then landed on a picture of Niall and Liam together, He had his arms wrapped tightly around Niall, I shook my head before turning my attention back to the game. 

"So erm where's Nialler?" I asked.

"Food shopping, He insisted that I never get anything he likes" Liam informed me, I chuckled.

"Niall's not exactly a vegetable guy though mate" I replied, Liam laughed before nodding his head in agreement. "He should be back soon he left just before you got here" Liam added, I looked at my watch to see a little over an hour had passed.

"Goal!" Liam yelled, I quickly snapped my eyes back towards the TV before groaning. 

"Oh come on that dosen't count" I whined.

"Oh yes it does Malik" Liam stated.

"But I wasn't paying attention!" I exclaimed.

"Not my fault" Liam replied with a smirk, I rolled my eyes playfully before smiling. 

"Cheater" I mumbled causing Liam to punch my shoulder lightly, I laughed happily before shaking my head. Liam and I were close, Literally like brothers, I just wish it wasn't him living with Niall. Liam and I continued playing the game until Liam's phone began ringing from the table, He quickly paused the game before answering it. 

"Hello? Lou? Ok calm down, We- Well where are you? How did you manage that? Alright keep your pants on I'm coming! Alright I'll be there soon" Liam spoke down the phone he slowly shook his head before hanging up.

"What have they done?" I asked.

"You really don't want to know, I'll tell you later but I have to go pick them up" Liam stated before standing up he then placed his phone in his pocket. 

"You want me to come?" I questioned, Liam shook his head. 

"No, It's pointless us both going plus Nialler will be home soon you guys can chill together I'll get some pizza on the way home" Liam said before walking towards the coat rack, I nodded my head as he pulled on his coat. "I'll be back as soon as I can mate you know where everything is" Liam stated as he grabbed his car keys.

"See you mate" I shouted as Liam walked out the door, I then sighed before turning off the game, I slowly stood up before making my way towards the bathroom, On the way I had to walk past Niall's room and I couldn't help but stop outside his open door, The smell of Niall's deodorant and aftershave radiated from his room, I pushed the door open before making my way inside, A smile spread across my face instantly, His room was a mess, His bed was unmade, He had clothes all over the floor, The only thing that was actually put away was his guitar, My eyes scanned the room, Niall had pictures stuck to his wardrobe door, Pictures of the boys, His family, I then noticed a picture on his bedside table, I made my way over to it before smiling instantly, It was a picture of us, The picture was taken a few months ago on the tour bus, I was sat down on the chair and Niall was sat closely beside me with his head on my chest, I slowly grazed my thumb over the picture before shaking my head. 

"Liam? You home? I brought loads of shopping meet me in the kitchen!" Niall's voice filled my ears, I looked up into the bathroom mirror before taking a deep breath, Does Niall feel the same way as me? I decided there was only one way to find out, I had to bite the bullet. As I walked out the bathroom I heard music coming from the kitchen, I shook my head before making my way there, In the kitchen stood Niall unpacking all the shopping he brought while nodding his head along with the music, I made my way towards him as quietly as I could the second I was behind him I brought my hands up and slowly covered Niall's eyes.

"Li? Liam what the hell? Liam Zayn's going to be here soon stop messing around" Niall laughed out as he tried to remove my hands, It was now or never, I covered Niall's eyes with one hand before slowly turning him around. "Liam what you doing?" Niall questioned. The moment he was infront of me I placed a gentle kiss to his lips, I felt Niall's eyelashes stroke against my hand signaling that his eyes were closing, I then began moving my hand away from his eyes. "Zayn?" Niall whispered causing my eyes to widen, I slowly moved back as Niall's eyes slipped open.

"Hi" I whispered.

"Wh-What was that for?" Niall chocked out, I bit my lip.

"I-I-I'm sorry if you hate me for this, But, Niall I like you, I mean, I, Well I, I love you" I exclaimed, Niall's eyes widened and no words left his lips, I fucked up, I fucked up our friendship. "I-I should go" I chocked out before moving to leave, I then felt Niall's hand grab mine. 

"Don't" Niall whispered, I closed my eyes before slowly turning around.

"Niall I'm so-" I was cut off as Niall's lips crashed into mine, I hesitated for a moment before kissing him back passionately, Niall's arms wrapped around my neck as mine slowly slid around his waist, My tongue slowly grazed the bottom of Niall's lip, He opened his mouth almost instantly allowing me access, Our tongues slid together as our hands grazed over eachothers bodies, We pulled away when our insides began screaming for air, As our lips detached our foreheads lent together. 

"What took you so long?" Niall whispered with a small smile, I chuckled as I slowly grazed Niall's check. 

"My nerves got in the way" I replied, Niall bit his lip. 

"Well I can't say it wasn't worth the wait" Niall teased, I chuckled. 

"So does this mean were boyfriends?" I asked.

"It better" Niall stated, I laughed before pulling him closer to me. 

"I love you Niall" I said, Niall smiled before placing a gentle kiss to my lips.

"I love you too Zi" Niall stated, We stood in the kitchen embracing for what felt like hours, I finally had the person I loved, It took some time and a blinded kiss but I had him. 

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