Back To You

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Prompt from inkedmalik- could you write a ziall one shot where zayn is in the marines and he comes home early to surpirse niall and just lots of fluff and smut? thank you (:

I put in the fluff but I didn't really do smut, But I hope you like it.

Niall's Pov:

Have you ever been without someone you love? Have you ever worried that you'll never see them again? I have. The person I love he's always away, Zayn, My Zayn puts himself in danger everyday and there's nothing I can do about it. We've been apart for so long. Zayn's a marine, He's been a marine now for a year and a few months. I'm proud of him for everything he does and everything he accomplishes but I can't deny that when he's away I wish he was here. Everyday I miss him so much, I miss having him around. I miss waking up in the mornings to the smell of breakfast cooking, I miss the small things we take for granted. Don't get me wrong we have contact, And we do talk but it's not as often as we used to, He writes to me, And we talk on the phone whenever we can. Everyday that he's away I worry about him, I worry that I'll never see him again. Which is why when he comes home I cherish every second with him.

I smiled to myself as I went through Zayn's things. I scanned through all his old art work, His small sketches and doodles. I kept all Zayn's things exactly where he left them, His clothes are still hanging up in the wardrobe, His trainers are neatly placed beside mine. New cans of hairspray and deodorant are placed ontop of his drawers, Everytime I go food shopping I always end up buying him things like that, It's just a habit of mine. I'd just gotten off the phone to Zayn's mum when there was a knock on the door, I slowly made my way towards it before opening it, My eyes widened at the figure stood infront of me. 

"Zayn" I chocked out, Zayn smiled at me. "Wh-What're you doing here?" I exclaimed before pulling him into a tight hug, Zayn chuckled as he wrapped his arms around me.

"I wanted to surprise you" He said before placing a kiss to my neck, I gripped hold of him tightly as we walked backwards into the apartment with our arms still wrapped around eachother.

"I missed you, So much" I mumbled.

"I missed you too Ni" He stated, I stayed in his arms for as long as I possibly could. Once Zayn and I pulled away I began preparing him something to eat while he jumped in the shower. I couldn't help but smile when I heard Zayn singing in the shower, He was finally home.

"What's changed since I've been gone?" Zayn asked as we laid down on our bed. 

"Not much, Your mums constantly calling me, I drive up there every weekend and she feeds me up, Even when I leave she's got bags and bags of already prepared food ready for me. Speaking of food your favorite Chinese place has been done out, And they've started delivering" I informed him.

"We'll have to order some soon then" He said.

"Definitely, Oh yeah Harry's adding to his tattoo collection, Think he's trying to out do you" Zayn laughed.

"Can't out do me" He commented, I chuckled while playing with his fingers. 

"How about you Zi? Any new friends? How's Liam doing?" I asked. 

"Yeah Liam's good, Got himself a new girlfriend actually, And there's this new guy Louis, He's a good laugh, Keeps everyone sane while were training, You'd love him Ni" Zayn informed me.

"He'll have to come round one day" I said.

"Hmm, Hey Ni, Since I'm back now I'm in a little need of some tlc" Zayn commented.

"Oh really?" I asked with a smirk.

"Really" Zayn whispered before pressing his lips against mine, I chuckled before gently cupping his cheek. We shared gentle kisses, We slowly shed eachothers clothes away, The moment I pulled Zayn's shirt from his body I saw a new mark across his ribcage, I ran my fingertips over the mark.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Training was abit brutal it's nothing serious Ni" He assured me, I nodded my head before grazing my lips over his mark. Sighs and gentle moans escaped Zayn's lips as I continued to strip him of his clothes, Zayn repeated my actions. Once we were both stripped of our clothes we began to gently grind our bodies together. It feels amazing feeling his hot skin against mine, Feeling his hot breath against my neck as he claws at the flesh on my back. "Niall" Zayn moaned softly, I smiled before connecting our lips together once again.

We collapsed side by side with sweat pouring down both our bodies, I had my head laid on Zayn's chest listening to the sound of his heartbeat. Zayn was drawing patterns into my flesh with the tips of his fingers. 

"How is it possible that whenever I go away and come back your even more beautiful?" Zayn commented, I chuckled.

"I could say the same thing about you" I said, Zayn smiled.

"You gonna come with me to Bradford to see my mum?" Zayn questioned, I nodded my head straight away.

"Definitely, Need some of her cooking" I stated, Zayn laughed. "When do you have to leave again?" I didn't wanna ask but I had to.

"That dosen't matter right now" Zayn said softly before running his fingertips up and down my back, I sighed.

"I don't want you to leave, I know how amazing what your doing is, But I hate being away from you" I exclaimed, Zayn sighed.

"I know Ni, But so many people in the marines have no reason to come home, They have nothing to fight for, Nobody pushing them and supporting them, But I do, I have you, And I know I've always got you to come home to, Knowing that, It keeps me strong" Zayn explained, I lowered my head. 

"What if one day you don't come home?" I questioned, Zayn shook his head before placing his hand underneath my chin, He then slowly lifted my head up.

"I'll always come home to you, I promise" Zayn stated, I smiled warmly at him, As long as Zayn made me that promise I knew he'd keep it. 

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