I Needed Time

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Prompt from nifuckingzaynie on Tumblr- Hi, Can you make an o-s inspired on the movie 'brokeback mountain' like a story where zayn and niall are farm workers and with the pass of the time they become friends, but Niall fall in love with zayn, so zayn go away for a while, just to think about it but then realizes that he love niall too so he come back to farm and tells Niall that he love him too? just giving you the idea, you can do it as you want :D

Niall's Pov:

Early morning, Heavy lifting, The sky above still dark, The sun rising over the hills after at least two hours work, Working on a farm is hard, There's so much to do and not enough hours in the day, That's why I was grateful for another pair of hands, Zayn was amazing, He helped out with all the lifting, Got up at all hours of the morning to help, We had this agreement, He helps me, I help him, We worked together for months and ended up becoming close friends. We'd go out drinking together, We'd eat together, We ended up becoming just like brothers, That was until my feelings changed, I started to look at him as more then just a good friend, I developed feelings for him. I made the mistake of thinking he felt the same way, I told him how I felt, I poured my heart out to him, But he didn't feel the same way I could see it in his eyes. 

Zayn left, He left with no proper goodbye, No explanation, He just left. He stopped showing up for work, When I went to his home nobody was there, He was just gone as if he was never here to begin with. I ruined everything, I ruined our friendship all because I couldn't control my feelings, Why did I tell him? Why didn't I just keep them a secret and hope that they'd fade away to nothing? If I did that maybe he'd still be here, No scratch that, He would still be here, He wouldn't have left. I started to feel empty, I became miserable, I'd get up in the morning do my work, I'd do anything I could to keep myself busy then I wouldn't think of him, I missed having him around, I missed his smile, His laugh, I miss the way he'd tease me when I couldn't pick up certain things, I miss the small play fights we'd have when he'd insist that he's stronger then me, I just miss him. I wish I knew why he'd left, Was it because of me? Was it because I told him how I felt? I wish I knew what he was thinking, Does he hate me? Can he not be around me knowing I feel something more for him, Did he do it because he thought it was the best for the both of us? Or did he leave because he was disgusted by me? I had so many questions but I was getting no answers. Since he left I haven't heard anything for him, No call, No letter, No nothing. 

A sigh fell from my lips as I jumped out the shower after a long day, Once I was dried and dressed I made my way downstairs and began preparing myself something to eat, Heated up pizza it was then. I placed the pizza in the microwave and turned it on before moving around getting a plate, A glass so I could have a drink and some kitchen paper so I could wipe my hands and mouth once I'd finished.I turned on the radio but quickly turned it back off when a love song began playing, That's all I've been hearing on the radio, Heartbreaking love songs. The microwave had just dinged when the sound of knocking echoed off the walls around me, I sighed before walking out the kitchen quickly making my way to the frontdoor, Once I'd opened it my eyes widened, Zayn was stood there.

"Zayn" I chocked out.

"Can I come in?" He asked, I slowly nodded before stepping aside, He walked straight in and made his way into my sitting room, I took a deep breath before closing the door and following him inside. 

"So erm your back" I mumbled, Zayn nodded. "You want something to drink?" I asked desperately trying to overcome to awkwardness in the room. 

"Yeah erm you got any beer?" Zayn replied, I nodded before leaving the room, I grabbed two beers from the fridge, I then made my way back into the living room, Once back there I handed one of the beers to Zayn he took it gratefully before opening it and taking a quick swig. 

"You left" I whispered, Zayn inhaled deeply. 

"Yeah, I'm sorry" He replied.

"Why? Why'd you go?" I asked.

"I needed time to think about things, I couldn't do that here" He informed me.

"Was it because of me? Did you leave because of what I said? Because I told you I liked you?" Zayn bit his lip. 

"Yeah, That was one of the reasons, I needed to get away, I needed time to think things over, You shocked me when you said you had feelings for me, I didn't know what to do, I was confused, I couldn't think here, Not with you here" Zayn said, I nodded.

"Do I really disgust you that much?" I exclaimed.

"What?" Zayn chocked out.

"Do I really disgust you that much that you had to leave when I told you I had feelings for you? You had to get as far away from me as possible!" I stated, Zayn shook his head.

"No! Niall it's not like that" Zayn exclaimed.

"Then what's it like Zayn?!" I questioned, Zayn rolled his eyes.

"Will you shut up and let me talk, This isin't easy Niall and your not making it any easier!" Zayn stated, I sighed. "When you told me you had feelings for me I got scared, I'd never thought of another guy like that before, I didn't know what to do and I knew I wouldn't figure anything out if I stayed here, If I saw your face everyday, Your crushed hurt face, I couldn't see you like that Niall so I had to go I had to take some time, I needed time to think and get my head straight, So that's what I did, I went away and I thought about everything, I thought about you, Me, Us" Zayn explained. 

"And what did you figure out?" I questioned, Zayn smiled before moving towards me.

"I feel the same way you do, I've got feelings for you I've never had them before but I wouldn't change them, When I was away I missed you so much, I wanted to hear your laugh, I wanted to sit with you on the couch watching whatever crap film you've chosen, I just wanna be with you" Zayn stated before stopping right infront of me, A small smile had spread across mine and Zayn's face, He slowly raised his hand and cupped my cheek. "I love you Niall" He said, My smile only got wider, Only seconds later I was pulled into a passionate kiss by Zayn, My arms instantly wrapped around his shoulders as we held onto eachother, This moment was worth the wait.

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