Push In The Right Direction

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Prompt from _Liam_ on wattpad-Ziall are bestifriends and kimmy helps them get together. 

Zayn's Pov:

"Zayn you've been inlove with Niall since the first day you met him ain't it about time you told him?" Niall's my bestfriend, Ever since he moved here from Ireland me and him have been close, I was the one who showed him around school, Made sure he knew where everything was. We became bestfriends instantly, We remained bestfriends over the years, When Niall and I hit our teenage years I started getting feelings for him, I didn't understand them at first, I was just a little fifteen year old boy. I became protective of him, Really protective, If anyone said anything to him I'd kick off, Anybody hurt him I'd kick the shit out of them, If anyone made him cry I'd be sat there ready with my arms wide open, I fell inlove with him, Everyone knew I cared more for him then I should, Everyone apart from Niall. One day I couldn't take it anymore, I couldn't handle keeping it inside, I told our bestfriend Kimmy how I felt, Ever since she's been trying to get me to tell him how I feel.

"You know I can't do that" I exclaimed.

"Why? You were born with a mouth and a voice for a reason Zayn" She stated, I sighed.

"I just can't, I can't tell him" I mumbled, Kimmy rolled her eyes.

"Zayn for god sake you've never had a problem speaking your mind but you choose now to bottle it" She said.

"You don't understand"

"I do understand, Your inlove with him and if you don't tell him you'll end up losing him" Kimmy replied.

"And if I tell him he might not feel the same way then I'll lose him anyway" I argued.

"He does feel the same way!" She exclaimed, I shook my head. 

"No he dosen't, He's to good for me, Niall he's amazing, He's funny, Smart, Outgoing, Adventurous, Confident, He loves going out and having fun, Were complete opposites, He's outta my league he always has been" I explained.

"Isin't that up to him to decide?" She questioned.

"Up to who to decide what?" Niall's voice filled my ears, My eyes widened and I quickly looked up to see Niall stood there with a confused look on his face. 

"Ni, Ho-How long have you been standing there?" I chocked out.

"I just got here, What's going on Zayn?" Niall asked as he walked into the room.

"Nothing, It's nothing Ni" I replied, I heard Kimmy scoff from beside me.

"Zayn just tell him" She stated.

"Tell me what?" Niall questioned.

"It's nothing Niall" I mumbled.

"Zayn tell him or I will" Kimmy warned.

"Can someone just tell me what's going on!" Niall stated.

"Zayn's inlove with you"

The room was quiet, My eyes were wide and Niall was speechless, I didn't dare speak, I didn't know what to say, I glared at Kimmy but she gave me the he had a right to know look. I looked over at Niall, He looked back at me but said nothing, I could feel my eyes filling with tears, I'd lost him, I know I have, I quickly stood up before chocking out a sorry, I then ran out the room and up the stairs, I swung open my bedroom door before allowing it to slam shut, I then dropped down on my bed. Minutes passed before my bedroom door was slowly opened, I didn't bother looking up, I didn't wanna talk, After my bedroom door was closed I felt the bed dip before a hand landed on my back.

"Zayn" Niall whispered, I kept my head down. "Zayn look at me, Zayn please" Niall said, I took a deep breath before slowly raising my head from the pillow, I expected to see anger in Niall's eyes but there was none. "Is it true? What she said?" Niall asked as I sat up, I slowly bit my lip, There was no point lying to him.

"Yeah" I mumbled, Niall looked at me with soft eyes.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Niall questioned, I shrugged.

"I didn't know how to, I suppose I thought you'd hate me, I didn't think you'd ever look at me as more then just your bestfriend, Were complete opposites Ni, Your to good for me" I exclaimed, Niall shook his head before taking hold of my hand.

"Don't say that, Zayn your perfect in every single way, It dosen't matter that were opposites because underneath everything were bestfriends, The best couples are the ones who are bestfriends underneath everything else" Niall said. "I love you Zayn" Niall stated, I smiled instantly.

"Really? You mean it?" I questioned, Niall chuckled.

"I wouldn't say it if I didn't" Niall replied, I grinned straight away, Niall chuckled before pulling me against his chest, He then placed a kiss to my forehead.

"Thankgod Kimmy blurted it out, If she didn't I wouldn't be able to do this" Niall stated before pressing his lips against mine, I smiled against his lips, Yeah, Thankgod for her giving me a push.

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