11 | disneyland

Depuis le début

Dazai and Chuuya exited the car and headed for the entrance.

Once they were inside the theme park Dazai looked at Chuuya.

He was looking all around the park like he's never seen it before.

"Chuuya, you've been to Disneyland before haven't you?"

Chuuya looked away and didn't respond.

"This is your first time! So you're a Disneyland virgin."

"Don't call me that."

"Don't worry slug, I'll make sure you have the best experience!"

"Oh by the way, I brought these." Dazai said, pulling out two mouse ears from his backpack. He gave Chuuya the one with the red polka bow.

"Why do I have to have the girl one?" Chuuya asked.

"Because you have feminine qualities, duh."

"Trade with me."

"No." Dazai said as he put his ears on. "If you want one so bad then buy your own."

"I didn't bring any money bastard."

"I know." Dazai said, grinning.

"Tch." Chuuya said, putting the headband on.

"Alright, where should we head first?" Dazai said, holding the map of the theme park.

"How about there?" Chuuya said pointing to an area on the map.

"Splash Mountain it is!" Dazai said, heading to the area.


"Damn, why is this line so long?"

"Well it is a very popular ride." Dazai replied.

"I feel like we've been waiting for hours." Chuuya said.

"It's been like 5 minutes."


"Wow that was so much fun!" Dazai said as he exited the wet log.

"You didn't tell me I was gonna get wet!" Chuuya replied.

"It's called Splash Mountain for a reason." Dazai looked at Chuuya. "Did you like it?"

"I guess that was a little fun..." Chuuya said quietly.

Dazai smiled. He looked at the photo area. "Let's go see our picture." He said.

Before Chuuya could reply, Dazai was already looking at the picture.

"Ahaha. You look hilarious Chuuya!" Chuuya was screaming in the photo.

"I was wondering what that flash was." Chuuya looked at the picture again. "Why are you smiling? Did you know there was gonna be a picture?!"


"Bastard, you didn't tell me!"

"I'll take one." Dazai said to the worker.

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