He stared at Arella dully and he simply picked her up and threw her against the wall.


Beast Boy stood behind Raven and watched quietly.

Trigon reached for Raven and grabbed her by her wrists.

"Agh! Let me go!"

"Awww. Now what would be the fun in that?"

Beast Boy watched as Trigon beat Raven on her already bruised arms and face.

"Goodbye dear daughter." Trigon dematerialized and flew back into Raven's chakra.

"Alright. I'm done! Let me out please! I wanna leave to the next memory!" Beast Boy shouted. As per his whims he was sent back to the dark tunnel.

"Now you've seen my mom, and basically what I went though every say on Azerath. It only stopped when I learned to heal myself a month later and I learned to control them. " Raven's voice was almost ethereal sounding.

"Your mom...Wait-"

"No questions Beast Boy. Just...*sigh*...keep going." He did as he was told and moved down the newly cleared tunnel.

"I love her, but she hates me! What was I supposed to do? She wouldn't listen! I tried to tell her but she wouldn't listen..." ~Raven; 8

"Ow! Dammit again?" He shouted as he walked straight into the wall once again. "Cianah....Leaves...8? Oh jeez. Fine." Instead of groping the wall like and idiot, he just kicked the wall weakly.

In a split second he was back in the same house. But some things were different. The front door was a very different color, there were less magic knickknacks on the counters, there wasn't a fire place, and small Raven had 2 teeth clearly missing. She bore a white cloak and white leotard. The girl across from her looked exactly like her, except this girl's skin was more human. She looked the same age as Raven and she wore a bright purple cloak and dark blue leotard. The girl looked afraid and so did Raven.

"Wait! Cianah! Don't be scared! In fine see!" Raven showed Cianah her hands and Cianah backed away.

"No no! Don't pass him to me! I'm fine!" Cianah shouted.

"Cianah come on! Please don't do this to me. You're not just going to isolate me in my own house for the rest of our lives are you?" Raven pleaded.

"No! I am not living with you! You could kill me! Trigon is bad! Which means your bad!"

"But Mommy and you can help me! All I've done with my magic is pick up stuff!"

"What does that matter? You can get stronger!" She retorted.

"Yes! I can get stronger so I can stop him!" Raven replied.

"You can't stop Trigon! That's why he was locked away!"

"C'mon Cianah. If you help me I won't be so dangerous." Raven tried to go and hug her sister, but Cianah slapped her hands.

"No! Stay a way you creepy witch spawn! You are evil and I want nothing to do with you!!" He could see Raven's heart break in her eyes. Fear turned to sadness, and that sadness quickly turned to anger.

"Stop it! Stop! Don't say that!!" She she grew 4 red eyes and tears streamed out of them. "I never asked to be like this! I don't want to be a demon!!" out of rage Raven blasted her sister with the first shot of dark energy she ever used. Turning back to her normal self, she quickly ran over to help her.

Baby Rae (BBRae fanfic) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now