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Beast Boy was reading.

And it wasn't a comic book. He decided to look through Raven's books to see if there was anything about her old power that appears to have reared its ugly head and smite them. He didn't understand most of it, but he got one thing out of the back of the book, and it wasn't even text on the page. It was something Raven wrote on the inside of the back cover.

"'Think it and it happens.' What the heck is that supposed to mean?"

He looked at Raven curled up tightly on the couch.

"'Think and it happens'..." he flipped back in the book to look for more of Raven's handwriting. There was some under the cover of the book.

"'0-2 – Helpless, Weak, Cute
3-6 – Happy, Careless, Energetic, Cute, Weak
7-10 – Quiet, Lonely, Sad, Scared, Cute, Weak
11-14 – Annoyed, Angry, Lonely, Confused
15---> – Normal' What? None of this makes any sense." His gaze shifts back to Raven. "You wouldn't happen to remember why you wrote this would you?" He said not expecting an answer. He got up from the couch and started to pace around thinking. This is the job Robin gave him and he was going to do it well. Without any help. After about five minutes of thinking (and procrastinating), he sat back on the couch. "Wait, what if it's what she has to think. Of course! That makes so much sense! The numbers are ages!" Then he realized he was still confused. But what does that have to do with changing into 7, 8, 9, or 10 year old?"

Then he had another idea.

"Ok. Think like Raven. Think logically. If I were to write something down, it would be to remember it..." He got up and paced some more. "Starfire told me she was practicing her magic earlier, was that why she wrote this down? She had to write it down when she was 13 or else this wouldn't be related to anything." He mumbled to himself for a little while longer. "....normal...."

"Ok...I only know how she was/is when she was/is nine, and when she was 16. Normal isn't much to go off of..." More inaudible mumbling. "....should I do that? She might not want to...even if she did, it clearly works different now. And she can't control them..." Mumbling. "ARG!!" He threw his hands in the air in frustration. "Thinking like Raven is hard."

He walked over and stood over Raven.

"I wish you'd come back. I know it only been two days but I feel really bad... I wish I hadn't said that, then maybe this wouldn't have happened. I made you sad didn't I? I made you feel isolated and pissed you off. I made you feel weak and that's why you're like this... Argh why can't I just shut up!" I know how she did it, I just don't know how to make her do it again. Finally defeated, he gave her a peck on the cheek and lied down on his back on the floor.

Hearing the quick pitter-patter of feet, he shoots up to see Raven bolting off the couch to the stairs that lead to the roof. Slowly to his feet he follows her.

"Raven, where are you going?" She only looked back and kept going. Her hood staying firmly on her head.

They were both on the roof and Raven was standing idly by on the ledge motionless.

"Careful Raven. Just step away from the edge..." He cautionedas he walked closer.

"Please don't. I don't want you to see me." She stood still.

"Then why are you just standing here?"

"Because I'm comfortable here."

"Raven what's the problem?"

"Not telling. Just don't take my hood off and I'll be fine." She said plainly.

"What's under your hood? Are you already self conscious about your hair?"He said jokingly.

Raven blushed under her hood.

"Wait seriously?"

"Shut up." She opened her eyes under her hood.

"Sassy much?"

"I– sorry. I dunno why I said that. I just don't like the way it is..." She says.

"I mean, you probably look fine. Is it your long hair?" Raven's eyes grew wide.

"How do you know?"

"I've seen it before. I think you look pretty with your long hair. But you cut it last time before I could say anything." She thought for a second and pulled down her hood revealing her long hair. "Better. Now would ya please come away from the edge? My heart's going 5 miles a minute."

Raven stepped away from the edge.

"Thank you. Now why did you come up here in the first place?"

"To hide...and to practice my levitating." She said. Ignoring the first part of her answer he continued.

"You seem to be fine at it."

"Yes...but I can only fly so high before I get nervous." She explains.

"Oh. I can help with that!" He walked over to the edge. "I'll turn into a bird, and you try to fly up to me." She nodded.

Beast Boy  turned into a hawk and flew label with the top of the tower. Raven easily suspended herself in the air. Beast Boy flew a little higher.  Raven flew up to him showing no signs of nervousness. As Beast Boy flew higher he started to see what she was talking about. She kept climbing more slowly and looked down many times.

"I'm ok...  A few more then I'll be better.." Beast Boy flew even higher once more. Then she followed him. Upon reaching the height she instantly teleported them back to the roof.

He turned back into a human.

"Did that help at all?"

She nodded.

"Thanks." They went back downstairs. Robin was waiting on the couch.

"What did you find?" He asked.

"Hello to you too Robin." He replied. "Rave why don't you go find Star. I think she wanted to show you something." She pulled up her hood quickly as Robin  looked at her and walked away. "I found a lot in this book. And I figured it out, I just dunno how to test it." He said after he grabbed the book.

"Well what did it say?" To lazy to read it to him he gave Robin the book.

"On the front if the cover under the book cover and on the inside of the back cover."

Once Robin found them he looked at Beast Boy.  "I think that that's what she needs to feel to change her age, because that's how she was at those ages. But I don't wanna just tell Raven to do it because–"

"Because she doesn't know how to fully use her powers and because the ability works differently anyway." Robin cut him off.


"I see your point, but how will we know if we don't try?"

"I guess...but what if it goes wrong? Plus all Raven wrote was normal for her current age. What is 'normal'? I think she wrote that when she was thirteen..."

"Then how would she know what normal is when she was 15 if she was thirteen at the time?" Robin asked.


"She had to have wrote this within the last two years."

"But she can't use the power." Both of the boys, utterly confused, sat thinking. When Beasy Boy remembered something.

"Robin, next week." He said.

"What about it?"

"Next Tuesday."

"Oh. Maybe it'll happen then on its own..."

"Hope so. Or maybe she'll just feel older and revert back to her normal self." Beast Boy added.

"Then, we just have to wait." Beast Boy nodded. They got up and headed to their rooms.

"Jeez let me still have it." Beast Boy said to himself. Pulling out a little box from under his bed he opened it. "Good. It's still here." He slipped it back under the bed.

Baby Rae (BBRae fanfic) [COMPLETED]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora