Remembering the Past

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"Here is a towel Beast Boy. She looks cold." Starfire hands him a towel.

"Thanks Star. You'd think she is considering she fell into the bay and its like 40 degrees."

"Hope she doesn't get sick." Robin says.

"You ok BB? You look upset." Cyborg asked.

"I dunno. I just feel bad. We left off on a fight and I want to apologize. Maybe that's why she's a kid again."

"Don't be ridiculous B." Cyborg tries to console him.

"Hold on Beast Boy. You may be onto something." Robin stated.


"Maybe she did this to herself by accident. Like she wanted to forget the fight and be done with it."

"Being a kid is easier than being a teen if you ask me." Cyborg states.

"I bet she wished for it and her wish came true or something." Beast Boy adds. He turns back and looks at her. Her wet hair stuck to her face and the towel. She let out a small laugh and rolled over the other way.

"I cannot help but wonder what she is dreaming about." Star stated.

"I can't help but feel just a little bad for her. I mean, she was experimented on. Twice now." Robin said.

"You think we'll find out other things about her? Like, that we don't know?" Cyborg asked.

"I hope not. Raven obviously kept the experiments secret for a reason." Starfire said.

"Cianah?" Raven called for somebody.

"Who?" Beast Boy asked.

"Beast Boy! Yay!" she ran and hugged his legs, seemingly completly dry. "I guess I'm back here....with you...." She glared at the others.

"Who is Cianah?" He asked.

"What? Where did you hear that name from?" She asked.

"You just said it when you woke up." Robin explained.

"I did?"

"Is sounds like a girl's name. Was she an acquaintance?" Starfire asked.

"I don't know what that means. But I shouldn't. Arella told me not to."

Who is Arella? She keeps mentioning her. Maybe that's her mom's name. Beast Boy thought.

Beast Boy and Raven jumped at the sound of the crime alert.

"What is that?!"

"Its just the crime alarm Rave." Cyborg informed.

"Crime? I don't like crime. Crime is scary. We don't have much crime in Azerath." She mumbled.

"Its Adonis." Robin states.

"I'll stay with Raven." Plus I don't want to deal with him.

"Not like she'd want to be with anybody else alone." Cyborg mumbled.

"Titans Go!" when the three of them left Beast Boy lead Raven to her room. He opened the door and she went in. Being a creature of habit, he stood outside the door like he normally would.

"You can come in." She motioned for him to enter. Realizing he wouldn't get murdered if he stepped foot in her room, he walked in and shut the door behind him.

"Thank you." She says

"For what?"

"For bringing me home. I was just....weak." She took a deep breath. "Sorry. I just don't like that word."

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