Happy Birthday?

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Waking up and seeing nobody in the room made her feel like something was off. She fixed her hair into a high ponytail.

She floated above the ground feeling lazy. She was happy this morning. Probably because of the date. She went up to the roof to have a look at the sun that has just finished rising. Robin has taught her to appreciate it for what it is.

Going into the living room, she didn't see anybody.

"Did they forget? Not possible. They had to remember." Seeing  nothing out of the ordinary she looked behind the couch. Nothing. She looked under the sink, and and there was Beast Boy, uncomfortably huddled under the sink with some balloons  in his hand. "What are you doing under there?" She asked.

"Uh hiding. Duh. Now stop talking and find a place to hide Star! Raven'll be out here soon!"

"I do not know where!"

"Uh...I don't know! How about... Ah whatever just get in the cabinet next to me.

Hearing footsteps Robin readies the others to pop out. Then they stop. Giving the signal everybody jumps out.

"Surprise!" This, was once again Beast Boy's idea. "Happy Birth–"

But their smiles are wiped off their faces when they don't see the tiny child standing there. Instead, they see a taller figure with her extremely long purple hair draped over her shoulders. She wore buckled blue boots and her normal blue cloak, her normal leotard and thigh-high black socks that match her leotard.


"What?" She asked forcefully.

"Umm...have you looked in the mirror lately?"

"What? Oh. I know what you mean. Yeah I was listening the whole time, Beast Boy. I was completely awake and figured out how to do it on my own. I wanted to be the girl I saw in the photos but it didn't work exactly how I planned."

"Sneaky little girl." Robin whispered under his breath.

"Well can you do it again?" Beast Boy asked.

"Mmm...probably not. I might end up turning into a baby next time. I dunno. Then I wouldn't be able to do anything at all."

"Best not to try anything just yet then." Robin replied.

"Well. Stop standing around already. I want cake." Raven said plainly. The rest of them shrugged and got the cake. They smiled as they gave it to her literally on a silver platter. She walked down the steps and looked at it.

Coated in dark chocolate icing, 'Happy Birthday' was written in blue script.

"That's a big cake." She states.

"Beast Boy wanted extra slices so we had to make it bigger." Cyborg explained. Beast Boy smiled awkwardly.

"It's fine." She cut the cake with her magic and started eating the slice.

The others started taking slices.

"How old are you now?" Cyborg asked.


"That's a start. You only got three more years to go." Beast Boy said.

"Yeah. I guess." She examined the cake. "17 candles." She said under her breath.

"After cake is finished we shall commence the gift giving!" Star declared.

Beast Boy ate about 4 slices before he felt slightly sick. There were about 2 slices of cake left and nobody wanted them, so they ended up going to to presents.

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