A Cry for Help

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"Beast Boy! Get her to stop!" Cyborg yelled covering his ears.

"I don't know how! I changed the stupid diaper and we all fed her!" He yelled over Raven's cries.

Raven was on the couch wailing away for some unknown reason. They had tried literally everything. They fed her, they burped her, they tried putting her to sleep, they tried playing with her, but she still cried.

Then she just stopped.

"She stopped?" Robin questioned.

They all looked at her. Her eyes turned red, then back to normal after she blinked.

Then she continued her wails.

"C'mon Trigon! Give us a break!!" Beast Boy screamed.

"Poor Raven. Even as a baby He tormented her." Starfire said.

The crying stopped again. This time it was because she cried herself to sleep.

"Thank you." They all breathed a breath of relief.

But their peace didn't last very long as Raven rose up into the air and she flew around the room willy nilly.

"Oh no not again!" Cyborg groaned.

"I got her!" Beast Boy morphed into a hawk and pulled her out of the air. He set her on the ground and morphed back.

"Babysitting is hard." Beast Boy complained.

"Honestly, I liked it better when she was 9." Cyborg confessed.

"Guys, we need to fix her. ASAP." Robin said.

"Agreed." Starfire replied. Beast Boy placed his hand on her head and instantly the whole room went black.

Beast Boy collapsed on the floor and the others stood stunned.

"Ugh. My head." He took in his surroundings.
"Great. I'm in her mind." Even as a baby her mind was frightening. But as soon as he took a step the whole place flashed between the Nevermore he was familiar with, a happy-looking version, a completely dark and black version, and a greyish version. He ended up in the happy-looking version. With bright pink skies and light blue roads, he was surrounded by Raven's baby emoticlones. A pink one, who was laughing profusely, a grey one, who wasn't doing much, an orange one, who was doing even less than the Grey one somehow, and a cobalt blue one, who was crying.

"Dude, seriously? I'm gonna guess that that's her sadness. Now...where's that portal?"

He looked around so he could get out as soon as possible. Remembering the last time he was in there.

"What is going on here?" He heard a voice in the distance. It sounded vaguely familiar.

"Hello? Raven? Is that you?" he called out hopefully but doubtful.

"Beast Boy?!" He instantly ran towards the voice. He turned a corner to find 9 year old Raven again. "How did you get in here? What is going on?"

"You-you're a baby. I just touched your head and got teleported in here. I didn't know that's how it works."

"Its-it-its not." she glitched out out herself and turned into a 14 year old.

"What's happening to you Raven?"

"I'm not sure. I was hoping you knew."

"We all think that its a form of your old power of age manipulation. You just can't remember anything."

"Oh-oh-oh." She glitched back to 9. "I may know how to fix it the-e-e-en." she replied.

"You keep changing ages." he noted.

Baby Rae (BBRae fanfic) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now