Above Average

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Raven woke up way before dawn looking totally fine. Her hair was slightly longer than before and she noticed the scissors on the nightstand next to her. She grabbed them and walked to the mirror, snipped her hair, and continued back to the bed. She noticed beast Boy sleeping and she was quiet.

Hmm. I'm thirsty.

Not seeing any harm in leaving, she walked out of the room and went to the kitchen.

"Woah." She looked out to the city through the window while pouring some water. "Its beautiful..." She walked over to the window and held her hands behind her back. "Hmm...." She pressed her hand to the glass and accidentally ported through the glass. "Oops." She looked out over the water. "Well, I'm out here now."

She flew to the pizza place on mainstreet. She suddenly got a flood of choppy snippets memories. "Eww. The goopy man looks gross." then she got another memory. "Trigon? It...it already happened?" She flew away from there and to the amusement park. Another memory came through. "A chicken? Really? No thanks."

She flew to the park and landed on the grass. She laid down on her back and looked up at the stars. Pisces, Aries, Andromeda, Taurus, the Big Dipper, aaaannndd the Little Dipper. She pointed out constelations. She got up and sat on the bench and instantly she got one of the clearest visions she's ever had, weather she remembers it or not.


Raven, back to 16, was uncharacteristically cracking a small smile while walking next to Beast Boy. She was trying to hide it from Beast Boy though.

"The stars are pretty tonight." She pointed out.

"Yeah its perfectly clear." He added. "How many constellations an you name?"

"Uh...there's Pisces and Aries. Andromena, Taurus. I think those are the Big and Little Dipper."

"Since when do you know so many constellations?"

"I would stargaze when I was bored on Azerath."

"Huh. Anything else I might need to know 'bout you?" he asked slyly.

"Don't push your luck." She glared at him, and then her eyes softened. "Thanks for, um, coming with me."

"No prob Rave I like hanging out with you."

"Can I ask you another favor?"


"Can you come to the library with me?"


"No. Tomorrow evening."

"Uh...ok. Sure." you could hear the disappointment in his voice.

~Flashback End~

Raven instantly got up from the bench and flew to the library. Once she got there she expected a vision, but she couldn't get inside. Attempting to see what happened, she pressed her face as close as she could. Then the vision she wanted came.

~Flashback (Again)~

Raven picked up a plethora of books to temporarily add to her collection while Beast Boy nonchalantly leaned up against a bookcase waiting for her. She then used her magic to raise her hood, indicating she was about to leave.

Then a boy walked up to her just as she turned and eyed her books.

"You have pretty good taste." He compliments.

"Thanks." She stopped and looked at the books he had. "So do you." Beast Boy stopped trying to look cool and looked slightly suspicious.

"What's your name?" He asked.

Baby Rae (BBRae fanfic) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now