No one but me

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Krista's p.o.v.
    I walked with Kuro through the forest towards the building that looked like a church somewhat. It was completely white on the outside but when we opened the door the inside was the complete opposite. It was pitch black inside. It had a single walk way that had streams on each side that glowed a vibrant teal. As we walked I could see a light up ahead which led to a open area that the same stream surrounded. Glass art of pictures of what happened to me.
From Aunt Mable's funeral to the time I meet Bill Cipher. Some displayed events that had happened like the Poker incident and me blowing up. The last was of me with what seemed like a crown on my head as a town below burned. Kuro wasn't by my side in this one but it gave me an uneasy feeling in my stomach. I continued on until I saw in the middle up a flight of stairs was a throne that Kuro was curled up asleep besides it.
With each step I take, I feel more relaxed and when I sat upon the throne it felt like it belonged to me and only me. Sitting upon a seat made for a king.
"Geez...for a white stone throne it sure is comfortable."
Kuro barked and I looked down at him. Kuro had a worrisome look on his face.
"Your worried too aren't ya buddy?," I sigh and look up,"I am too." I muttered to myself. I soon drifted off to sleep leaning against Kuro, not once noticing the dark aura presenting itself around the building slowly slipping inside.
Copy's p.o.v. ???
"The darkness is coming." I whisper to no one. I'm perched on one of the many tree branches of the many trees surrounding the town. I looked over at the one in front of the shack to see it resting all the while keeping its eyes on the building. Those idiots were still inside but I know they're up to something. I wanted the hound to kill Bill but the blonde woman I saw made me stop for some reason. It didn't make sense until I heard an echo in the back of my head.


    I clicked my tongue as I thought of it. It was rather irritating knowing that Krista still held someone more close to her but then again the woman was the only one who never used her or hurt her without good reason. I was brought out of my thoughts when one of the hounds nudged me.
"I'm fine, Kuro, just fine." I stated as I stroked his head. Those red eyes softened at me. It had been so long, so very very long. Both me and Kuro were now only part of a whole. A whole that made the present Krista and Kuro who currently reside in the crystal bud.
    My light blue hair swayed to the blowing wind. I closed my eyes as it grazed my cheeks. The breeze felt nice. The dark power that has just begun to awoke but Krista needs time to get used to the negativity. The bud will bloom when it's time for her darkness to go back to her. I hoped that nothing would interfere but now that the blonde showed up I have to make sure she doesn't get near her. No one is allowed to get near her not after what shes been through. All she needs is Kuro and me that's that!

Daughter of Pinesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें